From Our Revolution <[email protected]>
Subject Scary polls in key races means we have more work to do
Date October 22, 2022 4:19 PM
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Insider News from the Political Revolution!


HEADLINES: Dr. Oz TIED w/ Fetterman?? | Deadlocked: Mandela Barnes vs. Ron
Johnson | Far Right Weaponizes Crime | Ellison vs. Anti-Choice Extremist |
AZ Race Key to Climate | Green vs. Big Money in St. Louis | Rallies for
Democracy w/ MLK III | & MORE!

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[ [link removed] ]Tune-in to our LIVE National Organizing Call for a massive GOTV push
ahead of Election Day this Monday at 8:30pm ET/5:30 PT. Minnesota AG Keith
Ellison will dig into his fight for re-election against a hedge fund
lawyer who wants to criminalize abortion.

We’ll also hear from Megan Green, a 2016 Bernie delegate we helped elect
to the St. Louis Board of Alderman who’s now up against union busters and
big developer money in her run for board president.

Austin City Council candidate Zo Qadri and San Francisco School Board
candidate Gabriela López will join us to talk about their races and the
importance of electing progressives at every level of government.

[ [link removed] ]RSVP

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The polls in key races are getting downright scary as we head in the final
TWO weeks to Election Day. Whether we face a MAGA takeover or elect allies
to help us build on our work all depends on [ [link removed] ]what we do right now.

Critical Senate races like John Fetterman in PA, Mandela Barnes in WI,
Raphael Warnock in GA are showing polls deadlocked as the far right spends
big money to spread lies and weaponize crime in a time of economic

It’s up to us to circumvent the onslaught of false ads and directly engage
with voters on the facts and our solutions to the issues affecting their

That’s why Our Revolution is hitting the phones to send more than a
million calls and texts, sending out mailers, taking to social media, and
organizing on the ground to mount a [ [link removed] ]massive and strategic GOTV

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That’s also why we’ll be hitting the campaign trail with Bernie Sanders as
he rallies in states like NV, FL, WI, OR, CA, TX, PA and MI to make clear
an economic message to voters misled to believe Republicans have their
interests at heart.

Bernie’s right: to defeat extreme Republicans and their economic
propaganda, Democrats need to earn trust and votes from the working class.

As he wrote in [ [link removed] ]The Guardian: “you’re not going to have that support
unless you show you’ll take on powerful special interests and fight for
the millions struggling economically.”

As OR Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese said, “People are concerned
with putting food on the table and a roof over their heads. With Fetterman
and Barnes, we can authentically say ‘these are progressives who will go
to the mat for the policies that will improve your life’.”

We have a chance to defeat the far right, elect allies, and cancel out the
veto-power of corporate Dems like Manchin and Sinema. A MAGA Majority is
unthinkable. We can’t let national abortion ban author Lindsey Graham
replace Bernie as Chair of the Senate Budget Committee.

[ [link removed] ]SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER NOW!

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Our work to flip Senate seats couldn’t be more vital — the race between
John Fetterman and Dr. Oz is getting tighter and Mandela Barnes is in a
dead heat with right-wing extremist Ron Johnson.

We’re raising $300K to power our voter turnout model to mobilize our list
of 413,251 voters in these two swing states. This is the concrete work
that can make the decisive difference in these tight races.

[ [link removed] ]Donate to our Swing State Fund today!

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Our research shows that if we connect with each voter 4 times — by phone,
text, mail, social media, and door-knocking — we can boost turnout by 11

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and there’s a real danger that many
progressive, independent, working-class voters will not be motivated to
turn out.

[ [link removed] ]POWER OUR GOTV MACHINE

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Minnesota AG Keith Ellison is one of our strongest progressive fighters in
the country — and he’s in a dead heat with a far-right extremist who’s
taking big money to slander him with an onslaught of ads.

As the donor class weaponizes crime against Ellison, we have people-power
on our side to reach voters directly with the facts. And, we hope you’ll
[ [link removed] ]join us LIVE with Keith on Monday to dig into this major race!

While Keith has never lost a criminal prosecution case, his opponent Jim
Schultz has never stepped foot inside a courtroom. The truth is: Schutlz
is a hedge fund lawyer who wants to criminalize abortion at 6 weeks,
defund corporate law enforcement, and gut consumer protections.

Meanwhile, Keith has worked to combat price gouging in the pandemic and
led the team that convicted former Minneapolis police officer Derek
Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd.

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As AG, Keith Ellison took on wage theft and put hundreds of thousands of
dollars back into the pockets of Minnesota workers. And, holding Big
Pharma accountable for the opioid epidemic — he’s won hundreds of millions
of dollars for Minnesota.

When a hedge fund landlord stopped repairing their properties, leaving
families without heat and subject to mold and lead paint, Keith stepped in
to defend Minnesotans.

When we say Keith Ellison is the people’s lawyer, that’s what we mean.
That’s the work Jim Schultz wants to defund.

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Our Revolution is working hard to make sure we turn out our 147,000
supporters in Minnesota to vote for Keith. Our Phone Bank Force has made
58k phone calls in the state, and we’ll be sending 100k texts and
postcards to 65k households.

Doing the people’s work earns you powerful enemies, and Keith is in a
fight to the finish. Can you step up to help re-elect Keith Ellison?

[ [link removed] ]VOLUNTEER FOR KEITH

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In Arizona, we have two great progressives Sandra Kennedy and Lauren Kuby
running for seats on the little-known but powerful Corporation Commission
to regulate the utilities monopolies, snuff out corruption, lower energy

We have a chance to turn Arizona into a leader of the renewable energy
transition, and that’s why we’re shedding light on this race and the dark
money flooding it. The utilities want to buy these key seats, but we can’t
let them handpick their own regulators!

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The electric utility APS spent more than $10M to defeat her in 2014 and
elect commissioners who voted to raise utility prices, [ [link removed] ]Marketplace

She came back to beat the big money in 2018, and now we have a chance to
re-elect her and add Lauren Kuby to make sure it never becomes known as
the “corruption commission” again!

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Our Revolution is going all out in this key down-ballot race — and we need
your help! Let’s not miss this opportunity to put progressives in key
seats of power!

[ [link removed] ]PHONEBANK FOR KUBY & KENNEDY

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Megan Green will join our [ [link removed] ]LIVE National Call Monday to give us all the
details on her grassroots campaign to be President of the Board of
Alderman — and she’s up against an opponent flush with cash from
anti-union and big developer sources.

Megan was a Bernie delegate in 2016 and we were proud to help elect her to
the board in St. Louis, where she’s fought for a higher minimum wage,
reproductive freedom, domestic violence protections, legal marijuana, and

While Megan is supporting hotel workers organizing with Unite Here Local
74, her opponent Jack Coatar is taking donations from their anti-union

“He’s the big-money candidate in the race to replace Reed, who was the
big-money candidate before Coatar,” [ [link removed] ]STL Today writes. “Reed, of
course, is headed to a likely federal prison sentence for taking bribes in
development deals.”

In her time on the board, Megan helped pass a $15 minimum wage bill in the
city while Coatar voted against it. As board president, she would
strengthen the growing bloc of progressive power in St. Louis, ranging
from the mayor to US Rep. Cori Bush.

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Our Revolution Phonebank Leader, Amanda Walker, spoke to a voter in St.
Louis this week who expressed his frustration with the Democratic Party
and his concern about “the city getting dangerous” — which he blamed on

By hearing out his concerns, Amanda was able to counter the rightwing
narrative weaponizing crime by explaining Megan’s position on prevention
and restorative justice. Like Megan says, good union jobs and economic
security makes stronger, safer neighborhoods.

The man agreed that police only come after something bad has already
happened and said he would consider voting. These are the conversations
that can plant seeds and combat the big money misinformation. We need as
many folks as possible to make calls and turn the tide!

[ [link removed] ]MAKE CALLS FOR MEGAN

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We need to send reinforcements to grow progressive power in Congress — and
The Washington Post says we’re on track to do just that with Our
Revolution-endorsed candidates like Delia Ramirez, Maxwell Frost, Summer
Lee, Andrea Salinas, Summer Lee, Jasmine Crockett, Jonathan Jackson, Becca
Balint, Greg Casar and others.

Our volunteers are also working hard to elect progressives who are in
tough, competitive races — including Jamie McLeod-Skinner in Oregon’s 5th
District and Michelle Vallejo in Texas’ 15th. Winning these seats could
stave off a Republican majority in the House!

Bernie also has their back, saying of Michelle: “She believes in an agenda
that speaks to the needs of working people — that means passing Medicare
For All, bringing good-paying union jobs to the district, and protecting a
woman’s right to choose.”


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This week, Our Revolution pulled off several actions and rallies across
the country demanding justice for the assaults on our democracy.

Martin Luther King III and Arndrea Waters King joined Our Revolution
Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese in addressing the crowd and media
gathered at The Capitol in DC on Thursday.

“We know right wing Republicans have a plan — they’re going after our
elections, they are picking extremists to serve on elections boards and to
take over key government positions,” Joseph told the crowd.

“Well, we have a plan too,” he said. “Our Revolution is leading a massive
get-out-the-vote drive in key states where rightwing criminals are trying
to take power. The only thing standing between US and THEM is Election

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Our [ [link removed] ]Harrisburg rally on Wednesday at noon was a great success! A
coalition of progressive groups including Our Revolution, Indivisible PA,
and Cumberland Valley Rising, came together to demand justice for January
6 conspirators.

Featured speaker Randall Hayes from the group March on Harrisburg drew
cheers when he insisted that Democrats must fight for Main Street, not
Wall Street, or we will see more insurrections and an increasingly angry
and embittered working class.

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At the Philadelphia rally on Thursday, Our Revolution PA activists Bo
Dimbach and Karyn Hollis were joined by Philly D.A. Larry Krasner, who
spoke about the need to enforce the rule of law when it comes to elites
clawing desperately to retain their power.

At the [ [link removed] ]Phoenix rally that day, our featured speaker was Rep. Ruben
Gallego, who stood up to insurrectionists and protected others on Jan. 6th
at the Capitol, and now he’s helping Arizona activists lead the fight to
defend democracy!

Other events were held this week in Phoenix, Manhattan, Dayton, OH, for a
total of 70 locations nationwide. Sunday, we’ll rally in [ [link removed] ]Cincinnati,
OH, and we hope you’ll take a stand with us online by posting using the
#OurFreedomsOurVote to make our voices heard.


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Nina Turner’s new show [ [link removed] ]Unbossed premiered this week and she’s already
hitting it hard on topics like skyrocketing insulin costs and Republicans
efforts to cut social security.

A hell-raising humanitarian, Nina is on a quest to unite our movement and
coalition to take on the corrupt forces that seek to keep the power from
the people. Watch live on weekdays 4pm ET/1 PT!

[ [link removed] ]CHECK OUT NINA’S NEW SHOW!

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On Sunday, the Our Revolution: NYPAN gala event brought together the
progressive movement in NYC — organizers, activists, candidates and
elected allies took part.

Just some of the progressive leaders included Sen. Robert Jackson,
Yuh-Line Niou, Melanie D’Arrigo, Ana-Maria Archila, Brad Lander, Harvey
Epstein, Mark Levine, and Jumaane Williams.

“It was awesome seeing so many organizers in one place and in person,”
said Our Revolution National Organizing Coordinator Anna-Marta Visky. “I’m
proud of the relationships and collaboration we have developed there and
look forward to continuing the work.”

Even Sen. Chuck Schumer saw the value in making an unannounced appearance
and a long speech at the event — showing that he recognizes the power of
our coalition.

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Then, on Tuesday, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined a call with Our
Revolution: NY Progressive Action Network to organize with our members
around advancing the progressive movement.

AOC talked about her time as a member of Our Revolution Bronx and all the
work she is doing to build grassroots power. Topics and questions ranged
from healthcare to Palestine to school funding to public banking.

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Last Sunday morning, Our Revolution-NYPAN leader Maria Ordonez organized
our coalition of community groups to March for Housing Rights in Upper

It was a sunny day for a long march from 135th to 181st St. calling
attention to a housing crisis and demanding lower rents, [ [link removed] ]The Uptowner

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Later that day, Our Revolution NJ Rutgers chapter co-hosted The Your
Rights, Your Vote - Abortion Rights Rally in New Brunswick, marching for
reproductive freedom and youth voter turnout.

“Young people are key to ensuring reproductive rights are protected at the
ballot box this November,” said Our Revolution National Organizing
Coordinator Anna-Marta Visky. “There was great energy and a message of

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Our Revolution South Carolina held a statewide Candidates Forum on
Wednesday, showcasing five great progressives running in the conservative
“Cradle of the Confederacy.”

Our guests: Keith Grey Sr., Judith Polson, Daniel Duncan, Katie Crosby,
Ashlyn Preaux are all fighting to protect reproductive rights, guarantee
fair wages, and protect SC public education.

The event drew raves from viewers. “Wonderful,” said Marla. Helene texted:
“It was a wonderful and inspiring forum. We have amazing candidates.”

[ [link removed] ]WATCH HERE

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Progressive Mandela Barnes can take out far-right Senator Ron Johnson in
Wisconsin — with our help! He’s in a tough race, but we have a path to
victory and can flip this key seat.

[ [link removed] ]MAKE CALLS FOR MANDELA

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Dr. Oz is closing the gap and we can’t let him win! We need YOU to make
calls for John Fetterman! Let’s make sure we flip this senate seat, defeat
Dr. Oz, and elect a progressive!

[ [link removed] ]CALL FOR FETTERMAN

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We have to marshal our resources NOW to execute our strategy over the next
three weeks to defeat the far right and elect progressives on Nov. 8th.

If we connect with each voter 4 times — by phone, text, mail, social
media, and door-knocking — we can boost turnout by 11 percent and make a
decisive difference in tight races.

[ [link removed] ]Donate now to power our Swing State strategy!

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Early voting is open and we have a battle on our hands to re-elect Keith
Ellison as Minnesota AG, and defeat his far-right extremist opponent who
wants to criminalize abortion and defund all corporate law enforcement.

Keith has taken on corporate price-gouging in the pandemic and led the
fight to convict Derek Chauvin for the Murder of George Floyd — let’s make
sure he continues his good work as Attorney General.

[ [link removed] ]VOLUNTEER FOR KEITH

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Lauren Kuby and Sandra Kennedy are consumer watchdogs and climate
champions, who we must help win seats on the little-known but powerful
Arizona Corporation Commissioner. Let’s make AZ a leader in renewable

[ [link removed] ]MAKE CALLS FOR KUBY & KENNEDY

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Megan Green — a 2016 Bernie delegate we helped elect to the St. Louis
Board of Alderman last cycle — is up against union busters and big
developer money in her run for board president. This is a key seat for a
progressive and we can win!

[ [link removed] ]CALL FOR MEGAN IN ST. LOUIS

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This primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made more than
857,000 calls to voters across the country. Sign up to activate voters for
progressive candidates across the country.

[ [link removed] ]SIGN UP FOR A CALL SHIFT

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Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution for just $5/mo. and get your
official membership card. For $10, get our collectible sticker 6-pack —
$15, get the stickers + a poster — $27, get both + a tote bag — $50, get
it ALL + a T-shirt!


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[ [link removed] ]Our membership swag

Our Revolution is the largest entirely grassroots funded progressive
group in America. Last year alone, we elected 74% of our 450 endorsed
progressive candidates by mobilizing on the ground AND in the halls of

[ [link removed] ]Help us defend democracy and take the fight directly to the
establishment by committing to a 2022 Movement Builder recurring
donation of just $5 or more a month!

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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a
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charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are
made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for
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