Join CND's Wages not Weapons bloc - People's Assembly march: 5th Nov
The UK government is in turmoil as the people of Britain go through the worst economic crisis in generations. But despite looming cuts to public services, raising military spending  to 3% of GDP is still on the table. The Royal United Services Institute estimates this will cost £157 billion over the next eight years and is the biggest increase in defence spending since the Korean War. And we will be expected to foot the bill.

CND is calling on supporters to join our Wages not Weapons bloc at the upcoming Britain is Broken national demonstration - organised by the People's Assembly. We'll be calling on the government to deal with the frightening cost of living crisis facing millions of us this winter rather than wasting public money on nuclear weapons.
  • Saturday, 5 November
  • Assemble 12 noon, Embankment Place, London WC2N 6NS
Not able to attend? You can still support the demonstration by liking and sharing on Facebook. For any queries, please contact [email protected].
Image of Virgin Orbit aircraft launching a satellite. text reads: "Keep Space for Peace. No military launches from Cornwall. A CND and Drone Wars webinar. Monday, 24 October, 7:00-8:00pm
No military launches from Cornwall - a CND webinar

Ahead of our protest against the planned launch of two military satellites from Cornwall Newquay Airport, join CND and Drone Wars for a webinar to discuss these developments and how we oppose them. 

Guest speakers include: Peter Burt, Drone Wars; Dave Webb, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.

 For any queries, please contact [email protected]

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