If we’re to save our democracy and the freedoms we cherish, we need a national recommitment to the separation of church and state. And we need to reclaim religious freedom to make clear it protects all of us and is not a license to harm others. You’ve heard me say this many times now.
To advance these goals, Americans United is collaborating with our allies to launch the 2023 Summit for Religious Freedom – a new conference that will be the hub for our collective fight for religious freedom, church-state separation and all the issues that depend on them. SRF is a big tent – we’re welcoming everyone from longtime advocates to those just discovering the issue and its critical role in protecting our democracy, our equality and our rights.
The full SRF program will take place April 22-24, 2023, in person in Washington, D.C., along with a curated selection of live-streamed keynotes and workshops to make the event accessible to all. SRF also will be boosted throughout the year by virtual activities that respond to current events and continue community networking (look for more information about the first virtual webinar in November).
You can learn more at And if you sign up now during the early-bird discount period, you’ll save money on your registration fees. (If you’re an AU member, you should have received an email on Monday with a special offer – check your spam or reply to this message if you didn’t receive it).
To make our recommitment a reality, we need as many supporters as possible advocating for church-state separation as the shield that protects religious freedom and so many other issues we care about – reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ equality, public education, racial justice and much more. SRF is our platform to engage new and longtime supporters to grow our movement.
I really hope you’ll join me at the Summit for Religious Freedom. Only by coming together, like SRF enables us to do, can we overcome the dangers of this unprecedented moment.
See you at SRF!
Rachel K. Laser
President and CEO