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Dear Jack,

This week I went to Washington. Whatever you might think about some of the people there, DC it is an impressive capital city. 
The Capitol dome was gleaming in the October sunshine. The Washington monument looked stunning against a clear blue sky. Even the White House looked immaculate.

I went to Washington to meet lots of fascinating folk at key conservative think tanks and foundations. It was good to learn more about what they are doing to fight for freedom at a federal level. 
It was doubly exciting to discuss how the Mississippi Center for Public Policy can be part of a national movement to renew America. 
Mississippi might be one of the smaller states in the Union, but I found lots of interest in how we managed to cut the state income tax. Conservatives in the capital also wanted to hear about the occupational licensing law we passed, the bill we enacted to combat Critical Race theory and how we helped defeat the Biden vaccine mandate.
What’s gone wrong with the mainstream media?  Douglas discusses
Our policy wins are important because almost all the great policy innovations in America come from the states, not from the federal government in Washington. For example, it was the mid-west, not DC, that came up with Charter Schools. It was cities that pioneered zero tolerance policing. Today it is states like Mississippi that show the way with tax cuts and deregulation.
Many conservatives I spoke to in Washington are upbeat. Some seem to think that conservatives would do well in the mid-terms next month. Several said they were more optimistic than they were just a couple of months ago.
I am optimistic, too. Not just because of what the conservatives might achieve in the mid-terms, but because what we are doing to move the dial in Mississippi is part of a conservative revival underway across America.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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