With several confusing initiatives on the ballot this year, the California Catholic Conference has published general information on all propositions to assist voters. The bishops have only taken a pos



With several confusing initiatives on the ballot this year, the California Catholic Conference has published general information on all propositions to assist voters. 

The bishops have only taken a position on Prop. 1, urging a “No” vote on the measure, but explanations on the other propositions are available, including similar Props. 26 and 27 that both deal with sports betting in the state. 

Click here to review the ballot propositions.



A recent Rasmussen poll shows that support for Prop. 1 – the state’s attempt to enshrine extreme abortion protections into the state constitution – is dropping. Results indicate that only fifty-nine (59%) of voters support Prop. 1, down from sixty-six percent (66%) only weeks ago. 

The poll also shows that eighty-six percent (86%) of voters oppose late-term abortions, which will be allowed if Prop. 1 is successful. These findings come in tandem with a recent NBC affiliate KGET survey that found 72% of California viewers think Proposition 1 would go too far in expanding abortion. 

“These poll numbers directly reflect our experience: the more Californians learn that Prop. 1 is extreme and legalizes late-term abortion, the more they oppose it. This is why we are part of a broad coalition of pro-life and pro-choice supporters who have all come together to defeat this measure,” said California Catholic Conference (CCC) Executive Director Kathleen Domingo. 

Polling also shows that fifty-seven percent (57%) of women voters in California now call themselves pro-choice, down from sixty-five percent (65%) in August, while thirty-six (36%) of women now call themselves pro-life, up from twenty-seven (27%) in August.

The authors of Prop. 1 openly admitted in a KQED interview that viability language was left out of Proposition 1 "on purpose," opening the door for unregulated abortions at seven, eight, or even a full nine months of pregnancy for any reason and at taxpayer expense - including for residents of other states. 

Prop. 1 would overrule state law and allow extreme late-term abortions up until the moment of birth – an argument that was not challenged by proponents in California’s official voting guide. 

Listen to No on Prop. 1 campaign spokesperson Catherine Hadro, easily tackle some of the toughest Prop. 1 questions in this KCBS radio interview.  (Can this be bold and stand out from the rest of the email?)



California Catholic School Data shows that Catholic schools outperform public schools on two standardized assessments.  Renaissance Data following the impact of COVID-19 shows that from the fall of 2020 to the spring of 2021, Catholic schools ranked 4% below pre-covid expectations in math, and public schools ranked as much as 11% below pre-covid expectations in math.  In reading, California Catholic schools performed at 1% above pre-covid benchmarks, while public school students performed at 3% below pre-covid expectations.

On the NAEP (National Report Card), Catholic school students scored 293 on a scaled score compared to 281 for public school students in math and scored 278 compared to 262 in reading.

California Catholic schools lost zero days of instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic by starting distance learning via zoom and then hybrid learning, followed by going back to in-person as soon as waivers for the most vulnerable groups were approved. 




The State of California has launched the California Kids Investment and Development Savings Program (CalKIDS), which gives children in California a jump start on saving for college or career training. 

To be eligible for CalKIDS, participants must be:

  1. Born in California on or after July 1, 2022; or
  2. An eligible low-income public-school student in grades 1-12* in California.

All participants receive a seed deposit in a CalKIDS account to help pay for future education after high school.

The State created CalKIDS to help provide greater access to higher education to all California children. Research shows that children with higher education savings accounts are more likely to go to college and graduate than those without savings. CalKIDS is a program that can provide parents/caregivers with a starting point to save for their children’s education so they can have a better future.


Visit CalKids.org for more info. 



Watch LIVE on the Diocese of Fresno's YouTube channel on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 1:00pm! 

Watch Here


Join us TODAY in opposing this extreme measure.

We need your help to say “NO” to Prop 1 and “NO” to taxpayer-funded late-term abortions.

Vote! Grab your vote-by-mail ballot or visit your polling place on November 8th and vote No on Prop 1.

Share on Social Media - Please follow and share our posts with your friends and social circles to help spread the word!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoOnProp1CA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NOonProp1CA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noonprop1ca/


Volunteer with Phone Banking - We need loyal supporters to help us with phone banking, urging likely prolife voters to vote No on Prop 1. Volunteers will receive training, a script, and can make calls from the comfort of your own home. Every voter you call is 3x more likely to vote our way! Contact the campaign to get started. 

Learn About Prop 1 - Visit our website for fact sheets and news, and sign up for campaign emails at: noproposition1.com.


Donate - Support the campaign to reach more people about this extreme measure.


Donate Here


Together, we can ensure that California doesn’t become a “sanctuary state” where abortion is paid for by taxpayers for any reason - at any time.




Paid for by California Catholic Conference, Inc.

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“Our communities are also called to go out to the various types of “boundaries” there might be, to offer hope to those stationed on the existential peripheries, who have not yet experienced, or have lost, the strength and the light that comes with meeting Christ.” - Pope Francis


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