Hi Friend, On Friday Sept 23, students, activists, and citizens gathered in cities across the country and around the world to demand climate action from all levels of government. While I’m inspired by those organizing around the urgency of climate change, I’m frustrated by the lack of meaningful action from our federal government. The need for a just transition couldn’t be more urgent - with increased fires, floods, energy shortages, loss of old growth forests, hurricanes, deadly heat waves - just to name a few. Striking is not enough. We need to elect representatives to all levels of government that will do more than say the right things, but whose actions will follow the science: prioritizing climate justice, helping us adapt to the climate crisis, and ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. Now, more than ever, Green voices in Parliament are so important. Elizabeth and I will continue to advocate for science-based climate policy in Ottawa every day. We hope to be joined by many new green voices in the next election. Will you support by donating what you can to help Elizabeth and I keep fighting for urgent climate action? DonateWatch Mike Morrice reject the Bay du Nord deepwater Drilling Project in the House of Commons.