
A federal judge just declared that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy officially interfered in the 2020 election:

Remember him? DeJoy was Trump’s hand-picked Postmaster General and a major Republican donor, who implemented changes to the USPS at the height of the pandemic. His choices slowed mail delivery and threatened the efficacy of mail-in ballots, all while failing to seek advice from the Postal Regulatory Commission (which, by the way, is required.)

Louis DeJoy doesn’t even try to hide his partisanship or unethical behavior. He uses his office to benefit his friends and business allies — giving government contracts to companies he has dealings with, and making investment choices that directly benefit the chair of the independent agency overseeing him. 

He’s got to go. It’s time for a new, competent leader to take over the USPS before DeJoy is able to do more harm.

If you agree, please add your name to my petition calling for DeJoy’s immediate removal from his position as Postmaster General. Let’s show DeJoy his corruption has no place in the United States Postal Service.


Slowing down the mail is bad enough, especially in rural communities like mine. We had trouble getting timely delivery service to begin with. So many Montanans rely on the USPS for prescriptions, social security checks, and even to cast their vote in important elections.

It’s time we take back this important institution from corrupt hands and let President Biden appoint a new Postmaster General who has Americans’ best interests at heart. 

