John --
It was nearly a year ago that the first Brand New Congress candidate was sworn into office. We’ve already seen what change Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has inspired. Millions of Americans across the country are rallying behind progressive policies and candidates. The time for change is NOW.
We can reshape the next decade by electing more BNC representatives to Congress in 2020.
The first primaries are just over 60 days away! That’s a little over two months to reach hundreds of thousands of voters in districts across the country. We need your help to start January off strong and to provide any support we can to help BNC folks win their primaries.
Fundraising this month has been tough, and we had set a pretty bold goal for our scrappy organization. We’ve adjusted our goal down, but still need to raise another $4147 before we have to close the books on this year.
Can you set up a monthly contribution of $20.20 today and help us start 2020 off on the right foot?