
Just bumping this important email…

To be straight with you: Our campaign budget will be cut significantly during these crucial final weeks if I don’t raise enough to keep up with the Democrats.

As we speak, I’m on the ground, attending events, meeting with voters, and ensuring North Texas knows what’s at stake this year.

Ensuring we come out on top is a huge priority, because Democrats want nothing more than to continue to control our lives and businesses. But, together, we can show them Americans have had enough.

We DESERVE to feel safe in our homes and communities, and be able to afford food, medicine, energy, and housing ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Donating to my campaign will help Republicans ensure our victory and putting an end to destructive Democrat policies:

John, it’s up to us to stand up for Texas! Too many of our families have been victims of Biden’s open-border and pro-crime policies. To stop this madness, I need you to rush in your support so our campaign isn’t cut short before Election Day!

Thank you for supporting our efforts, 
Beth Van Duyne

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From: Operations at Team Van Duyne
Date: Tues, October 11, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Subject: We need you, John

We’re reaching out because our budget is going down quickly, so we need more resources to combat the Democrats! We have to keep reaching more voters before November gets here, and right now, the Democrats are pulling ahead. 

The Democrats' Elite donors are pouring money into their campaigns. They’ve bought up the airwaves in markets across the nation to spread their lies, trash conservatives, and continue to gaslight Americans into thinking their failures aren’t their fault!

We’re fighting back against the Left’s misinformation with everything we’ve got. Your support, RIGHT NOW, will help us reach voters still trying to make a decision. With only one month left, momentum is the key to victory. We need to continue to drive our message, and more resources will massively boost our odds.
There are only 28 days between now and November 8th, and we have to make the most of each one. John, chip in any amount here towards Beth’s campaign!

Thank you for your support, 
Operations at Team Van Duyne