John -

We’ve got breaking news, and it’s not good.

We just found out that Julie’s opponent is planning to go up on TV in the final week of this race.

We’d love to match him, but we simply can’t keep up with his self-funding.

At least, not without your help.

Will you chip in today to help us expand our digital ad buys to keep pace with Ryan Wilson’s self-funding?

We’re less than a week from the final deadline in this race. At any moment Julie’s opponent could juice his campaign with a new influx of self-funding.

We have to respond now and be ready to respond later.

Please contribute before our final deadline to keep us on track to win!

Thank you!

Burke Spizale
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States