The USPS governing board is supposed to be an independent body that evaluates DeJoy’s fitness for the job, not a DeJoy fan club.
But with one of the body’s Democrats — Donald “Lee” Moak — siding with the board’s Republicans, it is clear that DeJoy will have the green light to continue destroying the USPS as we know it.
That’s why we cannot allow the Biden administration to reappoint Trump-appointee Donald “Lee” Moak to another one-year term on the USPS Board of Governors.
Our voices together can stop this. Tell President Biden: Replace Donald “Lee” Moak on the USPS Board of Governors Now.
We know that for the USPS to actually expand services and products while putting a stop to service delays and excessive price hikes, Postmaster General DeJoy must be fired.
Since the Postal Board of Governors can fire the postmaster, President Biden must take the steps necessary to make sure Democrats who want to improve the post office control the Board.
President Biden can save the USPS. The next step is to finally put people in control who will fire Louis DeJoy.
We must escalate the pressure to make sure Biden gets the job done. Please add your name now >>
Thank you for taking action today.
Tre Graves
Digital Organizing Coordinator
Democracy for America