Equipping Law Enforcement to End Trafficking: A Testimony

By: Dr. Stephany Powell

I would like to describe my first day of ELEET (Equipping Law Enforcement to End Trafficking) training. I knew that day that if I failed, there would be no safety net…. 

Sweat accumulated on my brow as I scanned the room. I could tell by the students’ demeanors who had volunteered and who had been voluntold to attend the training. 

But once I started talking and describing the trials and tribulations that I encountered while working with victims of sex trafficking, coupled with the fact that this could be our kids and family members, I got their attention. I was so relieved after the training to have officers convey how their perceptions changed in both a professional and personal capacity as a result of the classes… 

By the end of the training, I can look into their eyes and know they “get it.” I can see they understand the crime and innocence taken from the minor victims, and the destruction of the community and to all those they serve.  


The 2022 CESE Summit is Just Around the Corner!

The 2022 #CESESummit is right around the corner and is FREE and ONLINE again this year!   

Over 60 presentations will be available on-demand to watch when you have time, and there are live networking opportunities with abolitionists from all over the world.   

  In case you need some prompting to attend, check out this feedback from attendees of last year’s Summit! 

  • I loved the table talk sessions where I could meet people from all over. Also the conversation with the survivors was very powerful. This entire experience was amazing. – Joanna, Maryland  

  • Very impressive. Breadth and scope of content and number of outstanding presenters makes the CESE summit the undisputed leader. – Rachel, UK  

  • It was very informative and broad enough to be beneficial for any advocate who is involved with any aspect of sexual exploitation.   

  • One of the most impressive professional, well-organized, and informative conferences I’ve ever attended.  

We hope you will join us November 8-10, for this world-changing event! You can register for FREE here.

Continue NCOSE's 60 Year Legacy of Turning the Tide Against Sexual Exploitation!

Since 1962, NCOSE has been an advocate for human dignity, a voice for those who have suffered sexual abuse and exploitation, and a driver of personal and cultural change. 


Thanks to your partnership with us, we are demanding and creating change through lawsuits, research, and advocacy. The biggest corporate abusers and profiteers from sexual exploitation are taking note and running scared. 

Will you help us continue this impact with a tax-deductible gift of $60, $600, or even $6,000? 

Your gift makes all the difference!


Justice for Pornhub Victims: An Episode of The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast

Dani Pinter, Esq., Senior Legal Counsel at The National Center on Sexual Exploitation joins the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast to discuss how Pornhub profits from the abuse of women and children, hiding behind ambiguities in the law in order to avoid accountability.  
"[Pornhub] is a platform that hosts real rape videos and real videos of children being sexually exploited and abused," Pinter explains. "One of the biggest and most poignant things that one of the survivors had said is that their abuse just never ended because of Pornhub… And for my client, that has meant that these videos and images have spread all over the internet, and she feels completely helpless to get rid of them." 

In this podcast, Pinter explains how YOU can get involved in the fight to hold Pornhub accountable for these atrocities. Listen here.  



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