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Six disabled people of color smile and pose in front of a concrete wall. Five people stand in the back, with the Black woman in the center holding up a chalkboard sign reading "disabled and here." A South Asian person in a wheelchair sits in front.


Shifting My Mindset: From internalizing ableism to dismantling it

As we reflect on Disability Employment Awareness Month, which honors the contributions of people with disabilities and reminds us to push for more inclusive practices, we are pleased to share this essay by Disability & Philanthropy Forum’s Emily Harris. Here, she shares her personal journey to understanding how ableism is infused throughout our social systems and the ways in which philanthropy can drive equity for the disability community.



Be a Champion for Disability Inclusion

In January 2022, PEAK signed the Disability & Philanthropy Forum’s Disability Inclusion Pledge, joining a cohort of 70 foundations and philanthropy-supporting organizations in committing to a disability inclusion learning journey. We pledged to begin a journey of continuous learning and paced implementation of organizational practices and processes that will advance systemic change and model disability inclusion in the sector.

The pledge offers a flexible framework that welcomes all organizations wherever they are on their disability inclusion learning journey and provides clear guidance and resources to support progress. We hope you’ll join us in taking the pledge and champion inclusive practices inside your organization and across the sector.


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Upcoming Events

October 27
Halloween Happy Hour

October 31
Lunch and Learn
(PEAK Delaware Valley)

November 1
PEAK Community Conversation: Emergent Learning

November 2
Five GMS Features Grantmakers Are Employing Today To Embrace Trust-Based Philanthropy (SmartSimple)

November 3
Slowing Down With a Pumpkin Spice Latte (PEAK Mideast)

November 3
Building Partner-Centered Grantmaking Infrastructure
(PEAK Oral and Alternative Reporting Working Group)


Weekly Reads

“In philanthropy, we have the opportunity to both repair and continue to invest in changing the structures in the system that impact Black economic mobility and health. Let’s use the tools we have at our disposal to invest in the possibilities imagined, created and led by Black people, and thereby carry out meaningful change – for today and tomorrow.” [more]
Karren Lane, The California Wellness Foundation

“Foundations champion transparency on the part of grantees … insisting on measures for effectiveness, program performance, financial management, and evidence that grant dollars are used efficiently. They also push for transparency in government and business. Most grant makers, however, fail to live up to their professed transparency standards. They strictly control data and narratives about their own performance in areas such as investment, staff, strategy, and allocation of funds.” [more]
Clara Miller, for The Chronicle of Philanthropy

“[T]he first quarter of 2022 showed charitable giving returning to pre-pandemic trends – for both good and bad. The amount of money donated to charity increased in the first quarter, but the number of donors declined, resuming a 10+ year downward trend observed before the pandemic.” [more]
Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector: A Quarterly Review, Independent Sector

“Philanthropy is increasingly influenced by foundations and mega-donors. This has significant consequences for nonprofits but also for perceptions of legitimacy and support, and, in turn, for potential legislative changes that would affect philanthropy.” [more]
Phil Buchanan, Center for Effective Philanthropy

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PEAK Grantmaking
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Washington, DC 20006-1242

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