A few days ago my opponent Tom Patti called himself the “Antichrist to the leftist agenda” because he’s a “white Christian heterosexual male.”
I’ve had some time to reflect on why these comments hit me so hard and I wanted to share my thoughts.
I love my home here in the Valley. We’re a wonderful diverse community that looks out for each other. People are much more likely to ask me in the grocery story about Lillian than they are anything political. Politics doesn’t divide us like it does in some other communities.
And that’s why it’s so hurtful my opponent uses this kind of rhetoric.
It only takes one person with a large microphone to change how people view themselves and their community. It seeps into our psyches and turns neighbor against neighbor.
All this is to say, this campaign isn’t just about policy differences. Or even which party controls Congress. This race, to me, is about saving what makes my home feel like home. And I’d argue this rhetoric over time will also come for our country too. Maybe it already has.
If you believe we need to cut this destructive rhetoric off at its roots, I hope you’ll consider chipping into my race. We have 20 days left.
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| Paid For By Harder for Congress |
Harder for Congress
PO Box 4426
Modesto CA 95352 United States
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