Victory! Sixth Circuit saves widow’s $277,000 from Michigan’s home equity theft


The years-long nightmare is over for Michigan nursing assistant Tawanda Hall, who lost her home valued at $300,000 to satisfy a $22,262 property tax debt.
After the county refused to refund her the surplus, Tawanda sued, Brittany Hunter explains—and she just won at the U.S. Court of Appeals.

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Orange County Register: AB5 is still wreaking havoc in California and across the country


The state of California’s longtime, union-prodded war on independent contractors is exemplified by the disastrous Assembly Bill 5.

The law has undermined the efforts of people in many lines of work, perhaps most notably the 70,000 truckers who represent the core of California’s supply chain. Wilson Freeman explains that the legal chaos caused by AB5 now threatens to spill over into the broader economy and amplify a supply chain crisis that has already driven our country’s record inflation.

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The Hill: When anti-racism demands racism


Montgomery County, Maryland, is one of the nation’s wealthiest counties, noted for its diversity and deep blue political liberalism—hardly what might be considered a “hotbed for racism.”

But for today’s social justice crusaders, racism is never far away and must be fought with “anti-racism.” With a potentially unconstitutional “anti-racist audit” in the works, write Wen Fa and Anastasia Boden, Montgomery County Public Schools are no exception.

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