Friday, 21 October 2022

Postcard campaign provides comfort to Jimmy Lai in prison

On the east coast of the USA around 100 children have sent postcards to a man they do not know who is incarcerated over 8,000 miles away. The man is Jimmy Lai, the Hong Kong media mogul and activist. Read about the campaign here.

Daphne Caruana Galizia: Five years on

In the five years that have passed since Daphne Caruana Galizia's death, her family have had to fight to demand both justice and accountability for Malta. Index and a coalition of other organisations have issued a statement decrying the lack of urgency in getting justice for Daphne and her family. The effect of the sluggishness with which Daphne's murderers have been pursued has also left Europe has facing an uncomfortable reality: journalists are at risk all across the continent. And so, by extension, is European democracy. Read this powerful article by Nicholas Williams about what needs to happen next.

The value of public service journalism

As the BBC celebrates its centenary, it would be tempting to focus on favourite programmes. But with worrying events relating to countries such as China and Russia, our CEO Ruth Smeeth in her weekly blog post looks at the role of the UK's national broadcaster in a world of disinformation and outlines why its work is so vital in the world today. 

Help support Index on Censorship
Index on Censorship defends people's freedom to express themselves without fear of harm or persecution. We publish censored writers and artists, monitor and campaign against censorship, and encourage debate.  

We rely on donations from readers and supporters. By donating to Index you help us to protect freedom of expression and to support those who are denied that right.
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