In this email, we’re going to do something different — something a little risky.
Traditionally, campaigns wait until after the mandatory FEC reporting deadlines to announce how much they’ve raised. But this isn’t a traditional campaign. We’re a grassroots team, and you should know exactly where things stand right now — and exactly why it’s important that you give.
So far this quarter, we’ve raised a little over $17 million. That’s a good chunk behind where we were at this time last quarter.
The good news? We have until midnight on December 31 to get things going.
So Friend, Elizabeth Warren needs your help. Right now. The goal is $20 million for the quarter — that’s how much the campaign needs to keep our plans on track.
Now, we don’t have to match what we raised last quarter — and we probably won’t.
But if the numbers don’t pick up, we run the risk of having to pull back plans to organize for Elizabeth Warren in all 50 states during the primary. And that plan is central to her path to victory.
By setting this goal and revealing to our opponents where we are, we give up some strategic advantage.
That’s how important it is to close this gap, Friend.
This campaign belongs to you, and you’re in the driver’s seat for what happens now.
The billionaires in wine caves are ready to clink glasses and celebrate because they’re confident that having more money than you means they’ll be able to drown out your voice in this process to choose the Democratic nominee.
Asking supporters like you to chip in is the only way we’re going to try to catch up on fundraising. There are no wealthy donors in high-rise penthouses or outside super PACs coming to the rescue.
Just you, and thousands of other supporters like you, digging deep to pitch in what they can to do this.
Elizabeth is proud that we’re running a 100% grassroots-funded campaign. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
But if there were ever a time for every grassroots supporter to step up, it’s now.
Please contribute $2 or whatever you can to help us and the PCCC close out the year strong.
Team Warren
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.
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