John -

Our opponent is a real piece of work. His biggest accomplishment to date is chasing an election judge last year as a Trump election lawyer.

He’s not interested in using the Auditor’s Office to protect taxpayer money and help communities make good investments, he’s planning to politicize the office to push a MAGA agenda on Minnesotans.

Chip in now to help keep Julie fighting for us, and keep MAGA Republicans from infiltrating our state government!

There’s not much time left; our final deadline of the race is just a few days away. It’s crucial that we have the resources to run a winning campaign down the stretch.

Chip in now, before our final deadline to help us win!

Thank you,

Chris Kluthe
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States