
I’m Tonya, the South Carolina State Director, and I want to tell you why I came to work for Seth.

Like Seth, I spent most of my adult life serving my country as a Marine. And one of my biggest fears after Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 was about what would happen to the Marines that I trained and mentored that are still in uniform with a Commander in Chief that did not value service.

What kind of decisions would he make as Commander in Chief while not valuing our servicemen and women -- while being a draft dodger? For many of us, Donald Trump is just as bad as we’d expected. For others, he’s worse than they could’ve imagined.

Trump is erratic and dangerous. He’s run roughshod over our democracy and its core principles. He’s blurred the lines of our constitutional checks and balances. And he’s toppled America’s standing as a moral leader in the world.

So, for me, Seth is the antidote to Donald Trump. He served four combat tours in Iraq. He led his platoon in one of the most grueling battles of the war, in Najaf. And he's learned how to unite a diverse group of Americans around a common mission.

I support Seth because he knows what it’s like to have the responsibility of taking care of America’s sons and daughters in his hands. I believe in his message of bringing the country back together around our core American values. And I know that if we’re able to introduce Seth and his message to enough voters, people will see that he’s the best positioned candidate to take on and beat Donald Trump in 2020.

With just a few days until our first end-of-month fundraising deadline of the third quarter, will you step up with a contribution so that we can continue the work we’re doing on the ground to get Seth’s message in front of more voters?

The work we’re doing to introduce Seth to voters is critical for us and we can’t do it without your support.

Thank you,

Tonya Venyke James
South Carolina State Director
Seth Moulton for America