From Pro Life Campaign <[email protected]>
Subject See photos from Pro-Life Dinner, No arrests after over 100 attacks on US pro-life centres, Watch: Every mother deserves a support system like this!👣
Date October 21, 2022 9:07 AM
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News, Event Registration and Much More!

21st October 2022
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In this issue:

READ: (#2) Two-tiered justice system in US: No arrests in over 100 attacks on pro-life centres, while 24 pro-life activists arrested since May for peaceful pro-life activism (#1)

WATCH: Every mother deserves a support system like thi (#2) s! (#2)

READ: (#55) Abortion supporters using tenth anniversary of Savita’s death to push for more abortion (#3)

BROWSE: See photos from Ceiliúradh Cois Life Annual Dinner (#photo)

APPLY NOW: LAST CHANCE to become part of the next generation of pro-life leaders in Ireland! (#FLP1)

ACTION ALERT: October is Month For Life! - Order your Car Sticker Now! (#omfl)

READ: (#conf) The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 will take place on 12th November in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney (#conf)

ACTION ALERT: Send ready-to-go message to your local TDs on the link between ‘DIY’ home abortions and coercive abortion (#VPC)

APPLY NOW: Virtual Internship with the PLC (#VS)
Two-tiered justice system in US: No arrests in over 100 attacks on pro-life centres, while 26 pro-life activists arrested since May for peaceful pro-life activism ()
Herb Geraghty, Executive Director of the non-violent US pro-life group Rehumanize, who was charged last week for peacefully protesting close to an abortion clinic. ()

More than 100 pro-life centres in the US have been attacked since the leak of the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v Jackson on May 2.

The attacks have involved vandalism and ransacking of the centres, spray-painting of pro-abortion graffiti on the walls, smashed windows and in many instances death threats to the volunteers working in the centres. 17 of the attacks so far involved the firebombing of pro-life centres, attacks that could easily have led to a loss of life.

To date, there have been no arrests for any of these violent attacks on pro-life centres. However, during the same period, 26 pro-life activists have been prosecuted in the US for engaging in peaceful pro-life protests that involved no violence or damage to property.

Among those arrested in the past week, was Herb Geraghty, Executive Director of the non-violent pro-life group Rehumanize. If convicted for his attendance at a peaceful pro-life protest, he faces a lenghty prison sentence.

In response to his recent arrest, he said: "This past weekend I learned I was indicted on charges related to non-violent pro-life advocacy. If convicted, I am facing up to 11 years in federal prison. That is obviously terrifying. However, 11 years is nothing compared to having your life snuffed out before you are even old enough to take your first steps or speak your first words. Much has already been said about the unjust and political nature of the recent arrests and charges brought against myself and other pro-life activists and leaders. It is clear that the Biden administration intends to use the DOJ as a weapon against political dissidents. Thank you to those who are speaking up in our defense and calling for justice.”

For more on this story, see here ([link removed])
Watch: Every mother deserves a support system like this! ()
Watch this ([link removed]) encouraging and edifying little video!
Abortion supporters using tenth anniversary of Savita’s death to push for more abortion ()
One of the events held in recent days to mark the tenth anniversary of Savita Halappanavar’s death. ()

Pro-abortion campaigners are disingenuously using the tenth anniversary of Savita Halappanavar’s death to push for an even more extreme abortion law. In recent days, abortion supporters have called for the full decriminalisation of abortion in Ireland throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy.

Savita’s tragic death was the result of medical oversight. It was not caused by the Eighth Amendment as campaigners for abortion have incessantly claimed.

Three independent reports from the HSE, HIQA and the Coroner’s Inquest all established that the actual cause of Savita Halappanavar’s death was a sepsis infection with a virulent antibiotic resistant strain of E Coli, compounded by a series of systems failures that delayed the realisation by her medical team of the gravity of the risk to her life, and the timely implementation of the appropriate responses to it.

To their credit, the doctors treating Savita didn’t blame Ireland’s abortion laws for her death. They could have easily done so to deflect attention away from their mistakes, but they didn’t. It is highly inappropriate however for campaigners and pro-abortion politicians to continue leaning on myths and mistruths to push for a radical expansion of Ireland’s already extreme abortion law.

In 2012, the same year as the Savita case, a woman from Ireland, Aisha Chithira, died as a direct result of an abortion that took place in a Marie Stopes clinic in Ealing, London. Aside from a brief mention in The Irish Times, there was no outcry in the Irish media about her death.

In Savita’s case, her tragic death occurred as a result of a mismanaged sepsis infection. The media however linked it to the non-availability of abortion at the time to open the door to abortion in Ireland.

In the case of Aisha Chithira, her death was caused as a direct result of abortion, yet the media ignored her story and looked the other way. The different way these two stories were treated tells you everything you need to know about the shocking and shameful way the media and politicians behave on this issue.
See photos from Ceiliúradh Cois Life Annual Dinner ()

See more ([link removed]) photos from Pro-Life Dinner
LAST CHANCE to become part of the next generation of pro-life leaders in Ireland! ()
Applications are closing for the ninth course of the Future Leaders Programme. There will be a combination of online and in person events, a day-long studio programme in Dublin, and a trip to Leinster House.

The course is designed specifically for the next generation of pro-life leaders, and students/young adults can apply for a free place on the 8 week course here ([link removed]) .

If you are aged between 18-35 and wish to apply to participate, please complete this application form ([link removed]) and we will get back to you. If you know someone who might benefit from this course please forward this email to them.

There are 15 sponsored places available for suitable participants.

Apply Now ([link removed])
October is Month For Life! - Order your Car Sticker Now! ()

The aim of of the Month for Life is to highlight the pro-life issue, educate the public and engage and motivate pro-life supporters all over Ireland.

A range of activities and events have been organised with the highlight being the Pro Life Campaign National Conference in November.

Here are some ideas for what you can do to participate!

- Register for one of the events advertised

- Order your free car sticker here ([link removed]) and display it. Send us a photo of you.

- Share a month for life social media graphic

The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 will take place on 12th November in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney ()
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We are very pleased to announce that Irish born Dr Dermot Kearney will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Pro Life Campaign National Conference which takes place in the RDS Concert Hall on Saturday 12th November from 12-3.30pm. This event was originally scheduled for Saturday, 8th October but will now take place on Saturday, 12th November.

Dr Kearney, who has saved many unborn babies from the brink of abortion, will talk about his work assisting mothers to reverse the effects of the first abortion pill, his recent vindication by the UK’s General Medical Council following a series of complaints made against him by pro-abortion campaigners, and his plans for the future to make the treatment known as Abortion Pill Reversal much more widely available.

To hear Dr Kearney talk about Abortion Pill Reversal and the plans for the future to make the life-saving treatment more widely accessible, register here ([link removed]) to attend the PLC’s National Conference 2022. Seating is limited so be sure to register today to avoid disappointment!

More information, including about other guest speakers, will be available in the coming days.
Send INSTANT ready-to-go message to your TDs asking them to urge Stephen Donnelly to immediately STOP telemedicine abortion ()
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The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is expected to make a decision very soon on whether to end or sanction the continuation of telemedicine home abortions.

In a very distrubing new finding, 15% of women in the UK said they experienced pressure to go though with an abortion they didn't want to have.*

The HSE in Ireland recently acknowledged** that coercion is MORE likely to occur when abortions happen remotely.

Telemedicine abortion is anti-woman as well as anti-baby.

Take one minute to send an INSTANT message to your TDs asking them to urge the Minister for Health to immediately STOP telemedicine abortion now that Covid 19 measures have been eased in every other area.

You can send an instant message here ([link removed])

*The findings are contained in research conducted for BBC Radio 4
**In an answer to a Parliamentary Question from Carol Nolan TD on 3rd March 2022
APPLY NOW - Virtual Internship with the PLC (#1)

Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation?

If you would like, APPLY HERE ([link removed]) to our exciting virtual intern programme for students!
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Participants on the programme will have an opportunity to network with other young people and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning.

Internships run for one-week periods and are suitable for second level (Transition year or older) and third level students.

Each intern will do 4 hours supervised work each day and will be working on areas such as social media, contact with members of the movement nationwide, project planning and contributing to support work for women and their babies.

Internships are not paid, however expenses will be covered.

If you or a family member is interested, please complete the below form and we will be in touch with you presently. Placements are subject to availability.

Thank you!

Apply Now by filling in the application form ([link removed])
Follow us on social media!
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Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events. If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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