News from Representative Larson

Dear Friends,

The Supreme Court’s shameful decision, which overturned almost 50 years of precedent by ending the right to safe and legal abortion, sent shock waves across our nation. Abortion is now fully banned in almost 15 states and there is already a proposal for a national abortion ban. 

I’m proud we led the way right here in Connecticut to protect these rights. When I served in the State Senate, we became the first state in the nation to guarantee the right to safe and legal abortion no matter what any future court would decide.


 Rep. Larson joined state leaders and local health care advocacy groups in support of reproductive care. 

If a national abortion ban is enacted, the protections we fought for in Connecticut would be taken away. My colleagues in the House and I introduced and passed legislation to protect: 

  • the right to safe and legal abortion nationwide, 
  • the right to access contraception, 
  • and the right to travel to other states to seek reproductive care. 

We will not give up this fight. Efforts to criminalize reproductive health care have no place in Congress. I will always defend women’s rights. 

To follow what I’m working on both in Washington and in Connecticut,visit my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, or follow me on Instagram.   

John B. Larson
Member of Congress


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