Greetings, North Carolina Greens
and supporters!
This year has been a whirlwind of
activity and challenges. Not only did we gather over 22,000
ballot-access petition signatures during a global pandemic, all before
a June deadline, but we also beat back the corrupt efforts of the
Democratic Party and secured our ballot line through 2024! The
Democratic Party, with the support of the Dems' mega-influential Elias
Law Group, even sued us! But they can't seem to stop us. We stood on
street corners and attended protests, rallies, festivals, people's
civic forums, and countless meetings, all for the goal of building the
North Carolina Green Party so we can run radical, ecosocialist
candidates who fight for the working class and our environment, all
while not taking one cent from BIG MONEY. That's truly something to
Early Voting Has Begun
Now it's time to bring those
efforts home for this election cycle and help get out the vote for our
candidates.?You can make a real
difference by making a much-needed donation to our candidates via
their websites below and volunteering to canvas at Early Voting and
Election Day polling sites.
HOH for US Senate
TRUDEAU for State Senate?District 16
BRADLEY for Raleigh City Council - At Large
We know from past experience that
canvassing at key polling locations brings in more votes, so please
take some time out of your busy schedules and volunteer to get out the
Don't forget to spread the word.
Ask you friends, neighbors, and family to VOTE
In solidarity with people and
NC Green Party