Let's get out the New American vote!

Hey John,

This is it—the final count down to Election Day! With less than three weeks left, I want to check in and see if you can join me and the NALAF team to get out the vote for New Americans facing tight races in Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Illinois, California, New York, Georgia, and Colorado?

Text for Change graphic listing the text bank dates and NALAF's logo

From now until Election Day, we will text out the vote for candidates like Elizabeth Velasco in Colorado, a trailblazing Latina running to challenge an incumbent and change the face of leadership in her district. And, on the east coast, we'll help get out the vote for candidates like Dr. Michelle Au, the first AAPI woman to ever serve in the Georgia Senate and a tireless advocate for voting and reproductive rights, even in the face of Republican attacks.

These are just two of the incredible New American candidates who are on the ballot this year. But to make the changes our communities need, they need our help to win their elections!

Show these incredible candidates you have their backs—sign up for one or more upcoming Actionista text banks:

By reaching out directly to voters through text messages, you can motivate, educate, and remind them that their voices—and their votes—have the power to make an incredible difference in this election and beyond.

Please join me in getting out the vote and flexing our incredible New American political power!

Thanks for helping make a difference in this election and beyond. Together, we can accomplish amazing things.

In solidarity,
Basi Alonso
Political Director
New American Leaders Action Fund

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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© 2020 New American Leaders Action Fund