Profits at the Expense of Patriotism Is a Dangerous Game
by Lawrence Kadish • October 20, 2022 at 4:30 pm

Today's American mega-billionaires need to think long and hard about where their allegiances lie: perhaps reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before our nation's flag might be a good place to start.
If past history is any indication, their current corporate behavior will become their personal legacy illuminated under a harsh and revealing spotlight.
American industrial giants, General Motors and Ford, found that to be the case when lawyers dug through national archives in the 1990s and discovered documents that revealed how these two corporations had their German-based subsidies working hand-in-glove with the Nazi regime both before World War II and during the conflict.
Company spokesmen were quick to suggest that those firms were operating at a distance but researchers begged to differ. History records that there is reason to be skeptical of corporate "spin."