$212,035. We got this, team.

Team --

We just got the latest finance report and we’re blown away! Because of the support of this grassroots community we’ve raised $587,965 toward our end-of-year goal of $800,000.

That’s huge! Take a minute to be proud of all the obstacles we’ve overcome on this underdog campaign, the countless voters and caucus-goers we’ve reached on ads, and the mighty teams we’ve built in the early states across the country.

It also means we’re launching more ads to expand our reach and communicate with more voters.

But, we can’t get too excited just yet. We’re in striking distance of $800,000 and it’d be a hard defeat if we missed it now. Can you chip in $1, $5, $22, -- heck, $35 or whatever you can to help push us over the edge?

It’s been 10 days since our first TV ad went live on the air. People in every early state saw Cory speak directly to them in their living rooms, local eateries, and even on laptop screens. One problem: Running TV ads isn’t cheap.

When we say we’re a grassroots campaign, when we talk about being the underdog in the race, we mean it. We don’t take PAC money. We won’t take a dime from special interests. We’re 100% funded by supporters like you.

It’d mean the world to Cory if he can count on our support to get us over the top of our $800,000 end-of-year goal. Please, don’t let Cory down when we’re so close. Chip in whatever you can right now >>

So glad to have you with us,
Booker HQ






Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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