Folks --

I’m heading into a meeting soon with Governor Hickenlooper to go over our fundraising numbers, and I could really use your help. With just three days before the most important FEC deadline we’ve ever faced, our projections show us falling a few thousand dollars short of our goal.

Every major political forecaster has rated our race a toss-up. Making Colorado the best chance Democrats have to flip a Senate seat and put us on a path to the majority.

But that makes us a top target for Trump, McConnell, and their network of right-wing secret money groups. Trump even pledged to come to Colorado “a lot” to campaign for our Republican opponent.

With our biggest deadline of the year coming up fast, any slip up now could jeopardize our plans for 2020 and give Republicans the advantage they’re hoping for.

John can’t win without your support. Will you pitch in anything you can now to help us meet our $500,000 goal so we can flip Colorado’s Senate seat and stop the GOP’s dangerous agenda?

Thanks for stepping up when it matters most.

— Shannon

Shannon M. Salk
National Finance Director
Team Hick