Hi John,

I'm back with another update after a week spent celebrating infrastructure investments, highlighting health care wins, going on the job, finding common ground – and bundling up after some unexpected flurries in Minnesota! Read on for more details:

Bringing Our Tax Dollars Home

Did you know that The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave Minnesota a “C” grade on its most recent infrastructure report card? I’m not satisfied with that grade, which is why I advocated for and helped pass the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law one year ago this November. That bill allocated over $6 billion in federal resources for Minnesota’s infrastructure needs, and I was thrilled to welcome some of those hard-earned tax dollars back to Minnesota for much-needed bridge upgrades last week. Because the cost of replacing aging infrastructure far exceeds many communities’ ability to pay, these federal investments in safe roads and bridges are vital – and long overdue.

The St. Albans Bay Bridge was around to see the Rolling Stones perform across the bay in Excelsior in 1964! Click here to read more about upcoming (and long overdue) repairs.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Minnesota has more than 600 bridges in poor condition, and the St. Albans Bay Bridge between Excelsior and Greenwood is among them. This historic bridge, connecting two Lake Minnetonka bays and constructed by the Work Projects Administration in 1941, is one of 23 across the nation to benefit from the first round of funding through the federal Bridge Investment Program - a crucial component of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This across-the-isle effort serves as an important reminder that while you can’t always get what you want in Congress, if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need!

Standing With Iranian Women

The Iranian regime has murdered as many as 23 children to prevent the world from hearing the truth about its brutal repression of women's rights and free speech. I believe that we must hold Iran accountable for this as well as Mahsa Amini’s death and the intolerable human rights violations committed against peaceful protestors. That is why I co-sponsored House resolutions H.Res. 1397, Condemning the Government of Iran's torture and murder of Mahsa Amini and supporting protesters in their demands for freedom, and H.Con.Res.110, Commending the bravery, courage, and resolve of the women and men protesting in Iran

As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I believe that we must advocate for human rights, democracy, and peace, both at home and abroad. I am horrified by what is happening in Iran, and I stand in solidarity with the scores of courageous and peaceful demonstrators demanding accountability, justice, and freedom.

Pledging to Protect Our Care 

It’s unacceptable that Americans pay three times more for the same lifesaving medications as people in other countries - all while big drug companies make record-breaking profits. In the wealthiest nation on earth, no one should have to choose between keeping the lights on and affording the medications they need to survive. That's why I was honored to talk more last week about the cost-cutting healthcare provisions that were passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. This historic law finally forces Medicare to negotiate lower prices for lifesaving medications, caps seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 per year, limits insulin copays, and stops Big Pharma’s egregious price hikes for Medicare.

Every single Minnesotan - no matter their zip code or income - deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care. Watch my remarks by clicking here.

Ensuring that every American can both access and afford the medication they need to live should not be a partisan issue. The truth is, this legislation is important for all of us, but especially for people like Sara, a constituent and nurse from Minnetonka who has shared with me that on multiple occasions she has had to choose between paying her electricity bill or refilling her insulin prescription. That's unacceptable, and it is why I will continue to fight for achievable measures to ensure affordable, quality health care for ALL Americans.

On the Job at Sports Clips

Spending time in Minnesota means working shifts at businesses in every corner of our community - including last week, when I had the opportunity to go "on the job" at Sport Clips in Brooklyn Park. I’m not licensed to cut hair (nor would anyone want me to try!) but in between greeting customers and cleaning up after cuts, I talked with owner Deb Brandt about the challenges they faced running three Sport Clips franchises during the pandemic – and how policymakers at the federal level can better support small business like hers.

It was great to join the Sport Clips team to learn more about running a salon. if you own or operate a business or nonprofit organization in our community, please click here to offer me a job!

As for many in our community, federal relief was a lifeline for Deb’s business – but even after receiving support, they’re still grappling with the lasting effects of this once-in-a-generation crisis. It was another memorable visit, and I left feeling inspired by their work ethic and exceptional customer service – not to mention a little lighter thanks to a haircut by one of their talented stylists!

Pursuing Common Ground

Political division, discord, and distrust present a serious threat to our democracy, which is why I have been working hard to repair our broken politics through our Common Ground Workshops. This initiative been one of the most rewarding parts of my job as it serves as a constant reminder that in this deeply polarized world, there is still hope – and change begins right here in our community. We may enter these conversations strangers, but after two hours of listening and learning from each other, each group walks away with a greater understanding of how one’s life experience shapes their views and values, a new appreciation for our differences, and a renewed optimism for our collective future. 

 We can't legislate decency, but neighbors can come together and fix the most challenging problem our nation faces: our own divisions.

The truth is, in a country as closely divided as ours, working together is not only possible, it’s necessary! If you or someone you know is interested in joining one of our upcoming conversations please visit phillips.house.gov/CommonGround

Keep the faith and keep in touch,


Dean Phillips
Member of Congress


Bill of the Week

✔️ H.R. 8446, Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2022

I believe we must act now to end the so-called “hunger pandemic” and address the spike in the number of malnourished populations around the globe, and the Global Food Security Strategy is key in coordinating effective and sustainable programming. That’s why I was proud to vote for and help pass, H.R. 8446, Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2022 in the House. This comprehensive plan coordinates programming around the globe to tackle hunger and poverty and invest in women and small-scale farmers who have been marginalized by inequities in food systems.


                                        Resources For You

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  • Register to vote: Democracy doesn’t work without engaged citizens like you. Registering to vote in Minnesota is simple and secure. Check your registration status, see who is on your ballot, and make a plan to vote at MNvotes.org.
  • Apply for internships: Applications for spring internships in my Minnesota and Washington, D.C. offices are open now! It’s an exciting time to work in Congress, so click here to learn more and apply by November 2nd
  • Apply for federal student loan forgiveness: The Biden Administration’s student loan forgiveness application is now available. Take two minutes to apply today!
  • Find savings near you: From gas to groceries, and childcare to healthcare, I’m hearing from Minnesotans who are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of essentials. Visit phillips.house.gov/inflation to find lower prices near you.
  • Nominate a Vietnam-era veteran: As a Gold Star Son and Member of Congress, I’m honoring Vietnam-era veterans in our area. Visit phillips.house.gov/Vietnam to nominate the veteran in your life for an official commemoration. 
  • Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.
  • Get your FDA-approved bivalent booster shot: Your decision to get a safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccine impacts our entire community. Everyone 12+ is eligible for the new booster, so visit https://mn.gov/booster to find yours.
  • Donuts with Dean: Welcoming Minnesotans to Washington is one of my favorite parts of this job. Let my office know if you'll be traveling to Washington, we'd love the opportunity share some conversation, and donuts, next time you’re in town!  

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2452 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2871
Minnetonka Office
13911 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 200
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: (952) 656-5176