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You are one of Bernie's most committed supporters! Since we launched this campaign... You have Made a number of donations Made a donation of a certain amount Become a monthly donor Shared your story of why you contributed You hosted An organizing kickoff event A canvass A phonebank You RSVP'd to A town hall with Bernie A rally with Bernie An organizing kickoff event A community canvass A phonebank You created an account on the BERN app. You took our issues survey and said what issues you care about. Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 You signed a petition in support of Medicare for All You signed up to say you were in after Bernie announced he'd run You signed up to get a free sticker. Not me, Us sticker. Bernie for President sticker You contributed to get Bernie's latest book You made a purchase at the official Bernie 2020 campaign store Thank you! You are the reason our campaign is off to such an incredible start So far, more than 750,000 people have contributed to build our movement Can Bernie count on you to add a donation today? CONTRIBUTE