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Friend --
We’re already more than halfway through October! Happy almost
Halloween and almost Election Day! I hope you’re planning out your
costumes and dropping those ballots off in the mail (see
here for the list of drop boxes)...or planning to
drop off your ballot in your costume if you’re really into
the season. And of course, starting October 26th, I hope you'll join
me in participating in the annual Halloween Literary Walk! Check out a map here.
This week, the Council approved on final vote nine bills I've
lead on that came out of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public
Safety. I've written previously on them, so I'll
just share this link if you'd like more information. The bills
range from a big expansion of supports and rights for crime victims,
permanent Vote-By-Mail and other elections improvements, a bill
allowing all local residents to vote in local DC elections, and a trio of bills that will improve racial equity in civil
And fall in Ward 6 is still in full swing! I’ve been out to
some great community events over the last few weeks that I’ll recap
for you. We’ve also got plenty of fun stuff coming up, as well as
community resources outlined for you below too, so let’s get
Links: Revised Criminal Code | AG Honors DC Youth | Public Safety Update | Leaf Collection | Hayes Senior Center | Ballot Drop Boxes | DCHA and Potomac Gardens | Eastern Market Improvements | Garfield Park | COVID Boosters for Kids 5-11 | Flu Shots | New Parking
Proposal | DPR Facilities Closed Friday | Walk to School Day | Tyler Fall Fest | Hilloween | Wharf Phase
Two | 17th & C St. Park
| MPD Halloween Events | MVT Fall Fun Day
A Revised
Criminal Code is Advancing After 120 Years. Let's Talk About

In the coming weeks, the Council will take up a long
overdue modernization and update to DC's entire criminal code. The
laws governing our criminal code were written in 1901 and put in place
by a Congress we didn't elect.
Simply put, in the 120-plus years since, our criminal laws have
become a mess of overlapping, contradicting, and outdated language. DC
is actually ranked as having one of the worst criminal codes in the
entire country (45th out of 52 state and federal criminal codes).
Among other reasons, that poor ranking was given because our current
code lacks clarity, has overlapping charges with different penalties,
is not specific using modern language, and in many cases is missing
basic definitions in the first place! All of those problems are
addressed by doing a revision like this.
Most states in the country went through this process decades ago,
but here we are. The District's process to update its code actually
began 16 years ago, and following years of deeply intensive work by
the independent Criminal
Code Reform Commission (CCRC), with an Advisory Group made up of
the US Attorney’s Office, Office of the Attorney General, Public
Defender Service, and legal experts, those stakeholders unanimously
approved sending a revised criminal code (RCCA) to the Council. Here's
a good recap from DCist that can help you understand the context,
but I'll also take some time to walk through it more in depth for
folks interested.
Once it was sent to the Council just over a year ago and referred
to the Judiciary Committee, I held three public hearings totaling
almost 20 hours on the proposal (most bills only have one hearing) and
heard from the public, victims and survivors of crime, formerly
incarcerated people, attorneys that practice in the courtroom, and
criminal justice subject matter experts. I've also spoken at several
public community meetings to get even more feedback, and spent
countless hours meeting with stakeholders to get their input and
address concerns. The RCCA represents a necessary
and once-in-a-century update to DC's criminal code —
and will create a safer and more just set of laws.
As I've worked to lead the final steps of this process at the
Council, the collaboration from all the stakeholders has helped guide
the final product. Most of what the RCCA proposes has full support,
and the outstanding issues and concerns center on a handful of
contentious issues.
What's in front of us now, with the changes I'm proposing, is the
product of a lot of collaboration, compromise, and consensus building
and it will provide much more clarity to judges, juries, attorneys,
victims, and defendants. I'll walk through several of those changes to
what was sent to the Council below, and you can check out a longer update with details
At the end of the day, the revised criminal code will not just be a
120-year-old update, but it will also ensure that people who commit
harm in our city are held accountable and that our criminal justice
system is constitutional, safe, and just. And importantly, it will
ensure that our laws reflect our modern values, not those of a
Congress of 120 years ago. I want to thank the USAO, OAG, PDS, and
many others that worked hard to come to the table, negotiate
compromises, and work consistently for a safe and just city.
So, while the RCCA generally creates a more rationale, organized,
modern, proportional, and fair criminal code, I want to spend a moment
outlining some of the changes I am recommending to what was proposed
to the Council. This summary does not cover every change (the bill is
450 pages long), but let me walk through several higher profile
Expanded Rights to Jury Trials for
The right to a jury of your peers is a basic legal principle in our
country, but it doesn't exist in the District of Columbia. DC
residents had this right until the 1990's, but today, we are an
extreme outlier. Only nine other jurisdictions in the country prevent
residents from a jury trial for misdemeanors with a penalty of
incarceration. That's not good company to keep, and it's not right for
DC residents. The CCRC recommended reinstating jury trials for all
misdemeanors when you may be facing incarceration and to make that
move quickly. I agree with this core principle, but in hearing
feedback from the Superior Court and US Attorney’s Office, I am
recommending that we phase this in over a three-tiered expansion
through 2030 to smooth the expansion with court operations and require
the independent Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to analyze the
impacts of each phase during its implementation to monitor its
Add New Penalty Classes for All Crimes, Raise Proposed
Penalties for Certain Serious Crimes like Carjacking, Robbery, and
A major shortcoming in the current criminal code is broad, vague
language and penalties that leave the application of the law by
prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and juries vulnerable to bias
and inconsistency.
The RCCA will now clearly define and sort crimes into different
levels of penalties based on the seriousness of the conduct, the harm
done to victims, the facts of the case, and whether vulnerable
persons, repeat offenders, or weapons were involved. The penalty
classes of felonies from 2 to 45 years match closely to actual
sentences given in Superior Court. I believe the RCCA adds much more
proportionality to the criminal code, but when it comes to penalties
for serious crimes — for example carjacking, robbery,
burglary — I am recommending to increase possible
penalties beyond what was proposed by the CCRC, especially when a gun
or weapon is involved.
Keeping Carjacking as a Stand-Alone Offense
The CCRC proposed making the crime of carjacking part of
the District’s robbery offense. That's how many other states in the
country define carjacking. But I believe that carjacking poses a
different type of harm, trauma, and danger and I recommend keeping the
offense as a separate, stand-alone offense to help judges evaluate the
facts of each case to determine the appropriate charge and
Maintaining Assault on a Police Officer
The RCCA sent to the Council proposed moving the crime of Assault
on a Police Officer into the larger Assault statute, with a penalty
enhancement if the assault was against a law enforcement officer. I am
recommending that DC keep Assault on a Police Officer as a stand-alone
offense in recognition of the particular harm it poses.
Eliminates Most Mandatory Minimum Sentences
Mandatory minimum sentences impose one-size-fits-all sentences that
do not leave room for judges to evaluate the facts of each case or for
defendants and victims to meaningfully engage in the sentencing
process. DC's mandatory minimum laws contradict one another and are
applied for some serious offenses, but then not for others. It's also
been demonstrated mandatory minimum sentences do not deter crime, but
they do tie the hands of criminal justice agencies, judges, juries,
victims, and defendants. Remember, a mandatory minimum deals with only
the least worst version of any given offense. The proposal sent to the
Council would have eliminated the District’s old mandatory minimum
sentences for all crimes the CCRC reviewed. While I generally agree
that mandatory minimums have been shown not to work as intended, I am
recommending maintaining a mandatory minimum sentence for first degree
homicide. This decision recognizes homicide as the most serious crime
on the books, while providing consistency and empowering judges to
determine other sentences.
Implementation Schedule for Reforms
As proposed to the Council, the bill would have had a one-year
implementation plan. After working with all the parties and
stakeholders involved, I simply do not believe this is a viable
timeline for ensuring success. There will be retraining, new systems,
and continued collaboration needed. So, I am recommending that the
bill take effect until October 1, 2025, three years from now. And
remember from above, the expansion of jury trials will phase in over
time through 2030.
Again, this summary doesn’t begin to capture every single element
of the criminal code, how it will improve our system, and where I’ve
recommended diverging from the CCRC recommendations. Our criminal
justice system is set up as an adversarial one — where
the players work with the law to make their arguments opposing one
another. But for this mammoth effort, those same players have come to
the table in honest conversation, healthy disagreements, and a shared
commitment to collaborate to update a 120-plus year old criminal code
to create a safer and more just law for the District of Columbia.
Attorney General Racine Honors
DC Youth at the 6th Annual Right Direction Awards
Last Wednesday night, I was glad to join Ward 6
neighbors and Attorney General Karl Racine for the 6th Annual Right
Direction Awards. I was there to celebrate and support Ward 6 young
people that have faced hardship and hurdles to persevere to build safe
and resilient communities. These young men and women are succeeding in
school, contributing through work, helping non-profits, and these
positive outcomes impact not just their own trajectory, but their
families and communities. In doing so, they're quietly changing our
community for the better. A big congratulations to each honoree (and
especially our Ward 6 honorees) and a huge thank you to Attorney
General Racine and his team for making it a priority to support young
people contributing back to our city.
Public Safety
Over the last two weeks, there
have been two areas of the Ward in particular where I've focused with
MPD on stronger responses to gun violence. In Southwest, after a
series of gunshots south of M Street SW near King-Greenleaf Recreation
Center, MPD and DCHA Police have increased patrols while other
agencies and organizations are collaborating to work together to
identify individuals at risk and partner for safer spaces. 1D
Commander Bryant and I led a conversation to outline plans of action
and updated neighbors on a key arrest related to the shootings. In
addition, following a series of gun violence near 15th and
Independence Avenue SE, MPD has added more patrols and visibility to
this area to help break the cycle of violence and investigations are
ongoing. I also reached out to MPD Chief Contee to request a camera be
mounted at this intersection and he agreed to have his team look at
placing a permanent one. There are also other issues taking place at
and near this intersection that need more attention by the Mayor's
agencies and we're collectively pushing them to be more active and
engaged. I remain focused with my office and neighbors to
ensure resources are placed where we need them and that government is
partnering with community to end the
Are You Ready For DPW
Leaf Collection
Department of Public Works (DPW) has shared
their schedule for
upcoming leaf collection this fall and winter, stating they will provide
leaf collection service from November 7, 2022
through January 28, 2023. I'll admit, I'm almost hesitant to share it because as you'll
likely remember from last year, DPW fell far off the schedule that
they'd promised residents, most blocks were facing weeks between the
advertised dates and when leaf crews actually
I'll start
with the most useful caveat: schedules get delayed based on the
weather. That being said, every year
is frustrating to many, many
neighbors (myself included) that try to rake and put leaves out on
time. And it wasn't just annoying - the piles of leaves were creating hazards along the
curb lanes and bike lanes for pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists. DPW
leadership has promised that they will be better prepared this year.
As always, we'll track this closely and if you find your block missing
a collection, please let us know and we'll work to get DPW to take
care of any missed collections (and if they fall behind again this
year, we'll pass that along as well).
Happy 10th Birthday to the Hayes Senior Center

Last week, the Department of
Aging and Community Living (DACL) hosted a big group of Ward 6 seniors
at the Hayes School Senior Wellness Center to celebrate its 10-year
anniversary. I
remember that day well, as the
city came together following a major renovation of the building to
create new programming and services for the community and create a
space for our seniors to build community and have a dedicated space.
Ten years later, it was exciting to mark the occasion and celebrate all the people who had a hand in the success of the Hayes
Center today.
And they even brought out a cake to mark the milestone – who doesn’t love a giant
cake?! In
addition to the celebration, we were able to spend a bit of time
talking through several issues faced by older residents, services
needed, and what DACL can be doing better. Thanks to the Hayes
advisory committee and everyone that helped make the celebration a success!
Drop Boxes Are Open!
Mail-in ballots have been
sent out and dropboxes for the 2022 General Election are
open! This is
just one way you can cast your vote this election season. You can drop
your ballot off at any
dropbox until
Tuesday, November 8 at 8pm. If you plan to vote in person, you can do so from
October 31 to November 6 at any Early
Vote Center in the
and on Election
Day at
the Election
Day Vote Centers
on November
8. Visit the
DC Board
of Elections website
to learn more about voting in the upcoming general
The HUD Report Shines a Light
on Public Housing Crisis, Urgent Repairs Needed at Potomac
I'd like to take a moment to address the scathing and
troubling report by HUD regarding DC Housing Authority's management
and ongoing issues of many federal public housing sites across the
District. DCHA is a quasi-District agency. It mostly answers to the
federal government and partners with the District. As a result,
there's very little transparency to the Council. As an example,
several years ago I worked with Council Chairman Phil Mendelson to
move an additional $24.5 million into DCHA's annual budget for repairs
an op-ed we co-wrote in the Post about the whole effort). But we
were always uncertain about the increased funding solely because we
had absolutely no way to know how or if the funding actually made
repairs. Three year later, there's no reason to feel any
I visited Ward 6's Potomac Gardens last weekend, a visit that
was planned prior to the release of the report, but was timely given
the findings. I met with residents to get a sense of their most urgent
issues that need to be addressed and heard their frustrations with
DCHA regarding long waits for critical things like getting smoke
detectors installed and windows repaired.
I found the buildings in absolutely unacceptable shape for
neighbors to be residing in. Everyone deserves the right to live in a
safe and healthy home, and it's clear DCHA has been failing our public
housing residents in this. I plan to stay on this and will be in
regular touch with residents and leaders at Potomac Gardens in the
months ahead to monitor progress, and have been in contact with DCHA
Director Brenda Donald about addressing some of the most urgent needs.
There are clear, clear breakdowns in how DCHA does its management and
it is going to take a lot of work to dig out. I’m grateful to the
residents and leaders at Potomac Gardens for their hard work to
improve life in their community and for working with me to determine
next steps for fixing these issues.
This Tuesday, the Council voted to pass emergency
legislation from my colleague Councilmember Elissa
Silverman and Attorney General Karl Racine that would address some of
the pressing issues around consumer protection, transparency and
reporting, and agency staff training. This is a step in the right
direction, but there is clearly much more to be done to reform DCHA
and do right by our public housing residents. I will be sure to keep
you updated on news regarding DCHA and next steps the Council will be
Related: Today the District's
Attorney General Karl Racine announced
a major lawsuit against a number of landlords who had
systematically denied housing voucher holders from apartments or
homes. In multiple budgets over the past few years, I've funded
additional attorneys to focus on housing issues in the District. This
is exactly the kind of work I hoped to see and a fantastic win for
District residents. Holding bad acting landlords accountable is going
to send the message that discriminating against voucher holders won't
be tolerated in our efforts to making housing more affordable for
everyone in the District.
Eastern Market Metro Park
Reimagining what Eastern Market Metro Park can and
should be has led to a $15 million renovation and a lot more
activity throughout the park – from a
playground filled with kids and families, to regular Friday night
concerts, to more spaces for neighbors to gather. But my office has
heard from residents and businesses about lapses in maintenance,
cleanliness, and repairs to the park dating back to the contractor.
Additionally, while I'm grateful the park is used so heavily, I want
to ensure there is a welcoming and safe environment for
Over the last two weeks, I've
led three walk-throughs of the park with agency directors, ANC
Commissioners, community members, and local businesses. Working with
the DGS and DPR Directors, crews have put a new focus on improving
landscaping and maintenance and I hope you've seen the progress made.
They are also setting up a schedule of repairs for items that need
attention like
lighting and
electrical outlets that need repairs, decking that has already broken
and cracked, and replacing loose gravel with new pavers that will
perform better, just to name a few items. In addition, one of my walkthroughs was with the
Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services and the Director of the
Department of Behavioral Health. On top of the physical repairs and maintenance needed, they
will be outlining a plan of action to bring more resources and
interventions to
get individuals
struggling with behavioral health or substance use disorders
help and
services they need.
Our public parks are for
everyone, and I'm proud to see how the community values this public
space. Whether it's the new public art being installed, improved
maintenance and landscaping, or programming activities that brings out
the community for music and fun, I’m excited to ensure this park is a place the entire
neighborhood comes together.
Work on Garfield Park Will (Finally)
Start in the Spring
The Garfield Park and Playground Improvement
Project will soon
be underway! The $1.3
million project
will improve
courts, refurbish the volleyball and bocce courts,
replace and repair some
playground equipment, picnic table repair, lighting improvements, improvements to ADA
accessibility, and
more. I joined neighbors and DPR leaders to preview the plans
and these fixes
will greatly improve the quality of one of the best community spaces
in Ward 6! The
permitting period is scheduled to begin soon and wrap up in the
spring, with the work finishing up in summer or fall of 2023.
Learn more on the
page of the DGS
website and at Capitol Hill
Bivalent Boosters are Now Available for Children
DC Health announced last week that children between 5 and 11
years old are now eligible for a COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine
(also known as the Omicron booster). Both the Pfizer and Moderna
bivalent boosters are available for newly eligible age groups at all
District COVID
Centers as well as all DC Health pop-up, mobile,
in-home, and community vaccination locations. Visit https://coronavirus.dc.gov/
to learn more and find your nearest vaccination site, and remember to
stay up to date on the CDC’s
vaccination guidance.
Flu season is upon us! Remember to get your flu
vaccine in addition to your COVID boosters to protect yourself and
your community. You can get flu shots at DC Health COVID Centers,
pharmacies, and your regular physician.
Residential Parking
Proposal Hearing
There's a common saying in
local government: it's always about parking. And this time, that's
definitely true. I’ve had several residents reach out to me lately
about a
proposal in front
of the Council to change the way Residential Parking Permits (RPP)
work. There’s a hearing
coming up next
week and I
wanted to share more about it In short, the proposal would
shrink the current RPP zones from ward-wide to Advisory Neighborhood
Commission levels. In other words, if you have a Ward 6 RPP, you
currently can park in zoned residential areas anywhere in Ward 6
actually, anywhere that formerly was Ward 6 before redistricting last year). Under
this proposal, that parking permit would only work for your local ANC
area (reminder, Ward
6 has five ANCs).
While I think we do need to
have a conversation about how best to manage parking demand and supply
– and I regularly hear from neighbors adjacent to commercial corridors
that see big parking demands on their blocks — I don’t
support this bill as written. One concern I have is that your parking
shouldn’t be tied to political boundaries that change every 10 years
during redistricting. Another is that while RPP is supposed to focus
on parking for your immediate residential neighborhood, breaking on
ANC lines as proposed wouldn’t necessarily follow the way
neighborhoods are defined. That said, I’m hoping that the hearing
prompts a needed conversation about how the RPP program can be changed
and improved. I’m looking forward to hearing more ideas and recommendations,
and if you have some suggestions of your own, please let me
FYI: All
DPR Facilities Closed this Friday
Just as heads up as we go into the
weekend, that all
DC Department of Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed tomorrow
(Friday, October 21) for an
agency all staff meeting and training. Normal operations will resume
Walk &
Roll to School
Last week I joined Ward 6 parents, students, and
teachers at Lincoln Park for Walk & Roll to School Day! We had a great time celebrating all
the fun and safe ways to get to school — on foot, bikes,
scooters, even roller blades. Every year, Ward 6 hosts the District's
best-attended and most successful Walk & Roll to School
Day. And of
course, the JO Wilson cheerleaders and Eastern High Marching Band got everyone pumped
up and energized! Thanks to the Ward 6 Public Schools Parent Organization for
organizing and as is tradition now, I loved being the emcee to help
the kids get on their way safely. Thanks to 1st District officers for
riding alongside so many on their way to school (and for slowing down
those drivers), and all the parents and school leaders that joined in
as well.

Tyler Elementary Fall
Looking for some fall fun this
weekend? Tyler Elementary will be holding its Fall Fest
on the
the Tyler Field on Saturday October 22 from
11:30am-3:30pm. Admission is free and there will be a petting zoo, games,
art, and
See You at
Get your spookiest costumes
ready and join me for Hilloween next week! The best Halloween festival in DC
is right around the corner, on Friday, October 28, from 5:30-7:30pm! Join me
and your neighbors at Eastern Market (indoors and outdoors) for trick
or treating, face painting, glitter tattoos, a 360 Photo Booth,
pumpkin decorating, games, prizes, and more.
Wharf Five Year Anniversary and Phase
Last week, I joined ANC Commissioners and neighbors in
Southwest along the waterfront
to celebrate the Wharf’s five-year anniversary and
completion of the second phase of the Wharf! Congresswoman Norton was
on hand, as she’s had a huge role in the federal work necessary to see
the revitalization of the waterfront. The completion of the second
phase marks more housing created — including affordable homes — along
with new businesses, job creation, public spaces along the waterfront,
and additional access to the water itself. The event also kicked off
with a great performance by the students at Amidon-Bowen Elementary
School in Southwest!
& C Street SE Park Improvement
Please join the Department of
Parks and Recreation and Department of General Services on Wednesday November 2 at
6:30pm for a
community meeting to discuss the upcoming renovations to the 17th & C Street SE Park! This meeting is long
overdue, but I know a lot of folks that are eager to get the full
update of of the park and playground renovations. I helped secure $750,000 in
the budget a few years ago for this project to renovate this space to
better serve the community. And while the park is now in Ward 7, it will
still serve Ward
6 and Hill East families. See the
meeting details here.
MPD First District’s Halloween Events
Join MPD’s First District for some upcoming Halloween fun!
There will be Halloween-themed
movie nights for the next two Fridays at 6pm (including tomorrow
at Lansburgh Park!) and a Haunted Maze on Halloween night at the MPD
First District Station (101 M St. SW).

Mt. Vernon Triangle Fall Fun Day
Grab your costumes and head out to Milian Park this
Saturday to join the Mount Vernon Triangle BID from 10am-12pm for Fall
Fun Day! There will be a little monsters parade, dog costume
contest, mini pumpkin decorating, live music, face painting, and apple
Thanks for following along in this week's newsletter, especially if
you've made it this far! I can't wait to see some of you around at our
upcoming Ward 6 Halloween and fall-centered events.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen