We are alerting Democrats about Jay Chen -- a Navy veteran and college board president running for Congress in California's new 45th district covering Fullerton, Cerritos, and Little Saigon. This race is rated "TOSS-UP" and will be one of the most competitive contests in the country. To support Jay, click here. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe.

Jay Chen | Veteran for Congress


I’m writing today to ask you to make a contribution of $3 to help me counter a fresh wave of racist attacks coming from my opponent’s campaign. Let me show you what we’re dealing with here:

First, Steel began posting racist, red-baiting lies about me on social media.

Then, her attacks began appearing in mailers and TV ads.

Now, Michelle Steel is putting up these dirty “China’s Choice” signs throughout our district.

Paid for and installed by Michelle Steel’s campaign.
Steel is so desperate, she’s resorted to calling me a supporter of the Chinese Communist Party. She’s going around telling voters that I want communists to “indoctrinate our kids.”

Yes, John... seriously. She’s completely unhinged.

Unlike Steel, I actually serve in the United States Armed Services. That’s not exactly the background of a communist sympathizer, but we all know what this really is: Racist dog whistles and far-right red-baiting to rile up her base. It’s ignorant, short-sighted, and only contributes to the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes we’ve seen in our community.

This type of campaigning can’t stand, but Michelle Steel has a long record of enabling this kind of hate. Now, she's our community’s biggest participant.

Can you chip in your first $3 contribution to help us beat these attacks and defeat Michelle Steel? Every donation sends a message that our community rejects her brand of far-right racism.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for your support,

Jay Chen
