Urban Institute Update
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Urban Institute Update
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‘A jolt of energy’ to San Francisco’s homelessness response system
The Chronic Homelessness Initiative’s successes show how philanthropy can help address complex social issues, such as homelessness, behavioral health, and the criminal legal system.
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Lessons learned from expanded child tax credit outreach to Latine families
Urban researchers spoke with Angela Divaris, an attorney with Greater Boston Legal Services’s Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, about the importance of trusted messengers working with immigrant communities.
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Could a rarely used feature in government-issued loans help more buyers afford homes?
Assumable loans are an increasingly attractive option as interest rates rise and, if rates stay high, could play a major role in financing home purchases for years to come.
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Source of income protections take time to work
Laws prohibiting landlords from discriminating against tenants based on their source of income help families access low-poverty neighborhoods. But these laws take an average of five years to have an effect.
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Virtual event: Using data to advance racial equity in local communities
On Tuesday, October 25, join experts from Urban and community-based organizations to learn about data strategies that build agency, create opportunity, and advance racial equity in communities of color.
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