Dear John,
There is less than one week remaining to take advantage of the unique opportunity to have your gift to Americans United for Life automatically doubled, up to $425,000!
In addition to this matching gift opportunity, we are looking ahead to the new year and the upcoming fight over abortion in the U.S. Supreme Court. We will need your now to continue the fight through these critical upcoming months in American history.
If you are considering one last 2019 charitable contribution, your gift to Americans United for Life is fully tax-deductible and will support our 2020 efforts to fight for life at the U.S. Supreme Court, continue to advocate for the total defunding of Planned Parenthood, work to ensure the next Supreme Court nominee is pro-life, and resist the increasing legalization of suicide by physician—all while forging the path to overturning Roe and restoring a love for all human life in our great nation.
This opportunity expires at midnight on December 31st, so please click here to have your gift automatically doubled today.
Let's make 2020 a Turning Point for Life!
Catherine Glenn Foster
President & CEO
Please remember Americans United for Life in your estate plans!