Green For All is a program of Dream Corps

America has too many problems to waste this much talent.
Generations of kids from low-income and black and brown communities end up funneled in the school-to-prison pipeline. We believe that if they get the chance, they could change the world. That’s what Dream Corps Tech is all about.
In 2020, we plan to give hundreds of scholarships to help kids from underserved communities learn how to code, train Silicon Valley hiring professionals to recognize and fight unconscious bias, and expand corporate training cohorts and alumni networks – so young folks have real skills to match their big dreams.
To do it, we need your help – and there are just days left to hit the Dream Corps goal of $200,000 before 2020. Make your tax-deductible, year-end gift now.
We are trying to change the face of Silicon Valley and change the direction of young lives in one fell swoop. We’ve already shown it can work.
We graduated three cohorts already – providing 75 students with coding certifications and job skills training, with plans to expand to more states in 2019-2020.
On average, a cohort graduate had a $45K increase in annual salary. Our graduates have even been hired at top companies such as Infor, Google, Facebook, and Intuit.
All Dream Corps programs work in concert to make the American dream possible. #cut50 seeks common-sense solutions to end mass incarceration. Green For All puts racial justice at the center of the climate crisis conversation and equips people for the green economy of the future. And Dream Corps Tech makes sure the entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow are as likely to come from Oakland as Palo Alto.
This is how we can close prison doors and open doors of opportunity – if we have your help before the end of the year.
Please consider helping us hit our goal with a tax-deductible gift before January 1.
We can acknowledge the ugliness of America’s reality without giving up on the American dream – and together, we can take steps to make that dream a little bit more real.
Thank you for all you do. - Nisha and the Dream Corps team