Kevin McCarthy’s SuperPAC just spent nearly $2 million on anti-Katie Porter television ads.

Dear Friend,

Kevin McCarthy’s SuperPAC just spent nearly $2 million on anti-Katie Porter television ads in her district -- just as the Democrats admit they don’t have the cash on hand to help her fight back.(1)

This is terrible news in a district where the Cook Political Report gives her just a three-point lead.(2)

Rep. Porter opponent is a Trump 2.0 stooge who wants to outlaw abortion, jack up prescription drug prices, and undo all of the other hard work she has done for the people during her years in Congress. And if we lose this race, Kevin McCarthy and the Trump Republicans are almost certain to take control of the House of Representatives.

We need to step up and let every possible voter in her district know what’s at stake if she’s defeated, but we are running out of time.

Will you donate to Courage California and help defend Katie Porter’s seat?


Just last week, Rep. Porter joined President Joe Biden in Orange County to talk about how she is taking on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug prices.(3)

And, as President Biden said, if members like Rep. Porter are defeated and Republicans take control, prices are going to skyrocket.

Rep. Porter’s opponent, Scott Baugh, is ready to join certain members of Congress, like Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, and Kevin McCarthy, in championing Trump and taking away our rights and freedoms. We can’t let that happen.

Katie Porter has fought for us, and we need to fight for her.

Courage California used detailed polling to develop the message that will resonate in Rep. Porter’s multicultural district, and now we need to get the message out.

Will you donate to help ensure that Katie Porter and other progressive champions are still the majority come November?

Thank you!

Yours in the fight for a progressive future,

Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jay, Lindsay, Mai, Mai, Raquel, and Scottie (and the rest of the Courage PAC team) 


PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state and country. Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?

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Paid for by Courage California Super PAC --

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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