That’s right. Less than a month after saying women should “get over” the threat of a nationwide abortion ban, Don Bolduc is back at it and weighing in on what other medical procedures women should and shouldn’t be allowed to have.
Countless families depend on IVF treatments. But Don Bolduc thinks he knows better. He’s dead wrong, John.
And it’s never been more important that we beat him. To do that, this team will need all hands on deck — ASAP.
Can you chip in?
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Don Bolduc just can’t stop escalating his attacks on our reproductive rights. So while I’m shocked, we shouldn’t be surprised.
This is the same guy who said we should “rejoice” at Roe v. Wade being overturned. The same guy who said that “as a man,” he believes women’s most personal decisions about abortion “belong” to Republican “gentlemen” lawmakers.
I will never stop working to protect a woman’s right to make choices about her own reproductive care. Don Bolduc, on the other hand, would be a ‘yes’ vote for a nationwide abortion ban.
Don Bolduc is making good on one of the promises that his buddy Mike Pence made at one of Bolduc’s own fundraisers: that overturning Roe was just the “beginning.”
This latest attack on our reproductive freedoms is just the latest bout of extremism from my opponent. But we’ve got to take all of Don Bolduc’s dangerous positions *extremely* seriously because, with two consecutive polls showing this race statistically tied, he is inches away from being a U.S. Senator—unless we all band together to beat him.
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With every good wish,
Maggie Hassan
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