LibrePlanet 2023: Charting the Course

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Dear Free Software Supporter,

Don't miss it: submit your session for LibrePlanet 2023: Charting the Course by November 2.

What is LibrePlanet 2023: Charting the Course?

LibrePlanet 2023 is the fifteenth edition of the Free Software Foundation's (FSF) conference on ethical technology and user freedom, which will be held in March 2023, both online and in Boston, MA (exact date and venue TBA). This year's theme is "Charting the Course."

The free software movement has produced so much more than software used by millions around the world. It also points the way to a freer and autonomous digital existence for all of us: one where it's the user and not corporate monopolies that control our ways of communicating, how children are educated, and how we monitor information as crucial as our own health. LibrePlanet speakers will show ways of progressing the free software community's understanding of new opportunities and new threats to the movement.

For those of you who haven't participated in a LibrePlanet conference before: expect a friendly, social, community-focused event with two days of inspiring talks and workshops from prominent people in the free software community, as well as people new to the community. You can choose whether you want to participate online or in person in Boston, MA. LibrePlanet 2023 will offer both.

Why have a session at LibrePlanet?

Call for Sessions LP image

LibrePlanet has a global audience full of energy and passion for free software. A wide range of skills and expertise is represented at the event, and your talk will be received with great engagement and enthusiasm by our online and in-person audience, which in past years has reached over a thousand people live. The event offers a fantastic opportunity to introduce potential contributors to your project, or it can also be a resource to test your theories and to gauge response to your ideas by getting feedback from our audience that will help inform your thinking.

How to submit a session for LibrePlanet 2023: Charting the Course?

Submit your session by November 2. Have a look at our previous call for sessions blog post to learn more about the theme and the kinds of sessions we are looking for. Whether you have a panel discussion, a presentation, or would like to host a workshop, it is all possible at LibrePlanet. Since we plan to have a fully hybrid event, the call for sessions form will allow you to state your preference for whether you would like to attend in person or online. Since we will facilitate both, your preference will not influence whether or not your presentation will be selected. We are also hosting an information session every Thursday to answer any questions you have about submitting a proposal for LibrePlanet, which continues until submissions close on November 2nd. To participate in these information sessions, join us in the #libreplanet IRC channel every Thursday, 13:00 - 14:00 EDT (17:00 - 18:00 UTC).

Don't use IRC? Email your questions to [email protected].

Submit a lightning talk

Are long sessions not for you? Submit a lightning talk instead. Lightning talks are five-minute presentations given by conference attendees on free software topics they're passionate about.

Nominate those who have charted a course to freedom

It is still possible to nominate your favorite free software community members for the Free Software Foundation (FSF) Awards. You can nominate them for an award in one of three categories: the Award for the Advancement of Free Software, the Award for Projects of Social Benefit, or the Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor. Don't assume that someone else will nominate your chosen nominees -- the committee does consider the amount of times a project or person is nominated.

The deadline for the awards is November 30 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

Support LibrePlanet by becoming an exhibitor or sponsor

LibrePlanet is organized by the FSF, a 501(c)(3) charity. Your contribution allows us to create a truly valuable event for many people all over the globe by making the production of the event possible, and allowing us to livestream the event.

We will also offer unique opportunities for businesses and other organizations to connect to a community that is dedicated to free software. A prospectus will be published on the event site soon. For information on how your company can be represented in our exhibit hall, or to further sponsor the LibrePlanet conference, please email [email protected].

We have been excited to see all the interesting sessions come in, and we look forward to receiving yours for LibrePlanet 2023!

Your LibrePlanet team

Illustration Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc., licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.