
Welcome to the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN)’s email action list! You're receiving this message because you signed up for updates, signed a petition, or took action with CCAN in some other way -- thank you.

At CCAN, we’re building a powerful grassroots movement to put our region of Maryland, D.C. and Virginia on the path to cleaner energy and a safe climate. And, we’re using our megaphone surrounding the nation’s capital to inspire action in neighboring states and across the country. Here’s how you can expect to catalyze change as a CCAN activist:

  1. We’re fighting to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Through people-powered resistance and legal action, CCAN is working to stop two fracked-gas pipelines in Virginia. And we’re working alongside activists from the mountains of Maryland to the Chesapeake Bay to keep dangerous oil and gas infrastructure out of our communities.
  2. We’re pushing for bold and just solutions. For example, CCAN activists worked with a diverse coalition to pass a nation-leading bill in Washington, DC that will bring 100% clean electricity to the District by 2032 in a way that also tackles economic inequality.
  3. We’re building an unstoppable movement. We know change happens from the bottom-up -- from people just like you coming together, taking action, and never, ever giving up.

If you're the kind of person who likes to solve problems at the root, and get your hands dirty making real change, you’re in the right place. Over the past 14 years, CCAN supporters and volunteers have placed a permanent statewide ban on fracking in Maryland, shut down coal-fired power plants, and passed groundbreaking laws to spur solar and wind power.

Stay in the loop on our work to #KeepItInTheGround and catalyze climate solutions by following us on social media:

To tackle the climate crisis, we need everyone. And that means we need you. Look out for more ways you can take action to fight big polluters and spur on clean energy solutions.


Mike Tidwell
Executive Director
Chesapeake Climate Action Network

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CCAN is building a people-powered movement for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation.
You can unsubscribe from CCAN emails at any time. Contact us at [email protected].
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