The kind of country we could be with Bernie Sanders in the White House

Friends -

If a $2.70 contribution would move us one step closer to health care as a right for all of our people, would you make it?

If $2.70 meant we would begin to aggressively combat climate change so we had a habitable planet for future generations, would you donate it?

If $2.70 moved us toward a just and equitable society and a government that actually worked for everyone, would it be worth it?

Because that is what we are asking you to do — before this FEC deadline — to help move us just one step closer to the kind of country we can be with Bernie Sanders in the White House.

So what do you say?

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign before our final FEC fundraising deadline of the year comes to a close?

We build this movement one volunteer, one donation, and one vote at a time. Every one of them matters. None are taken for granted. So thank you for moving us one step closer to winning today.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager