Hi there, John,
My name is McKenna Palmer. I’m the ripe old age of 22, and in the last four years the It Gets Better Project completely changed my life.
I am a child of the internet. YouTube evolved as I was growing up, and I was incredibly lucky to see TV shows like Will & Grace, Glee, and Modern Family. They allowed me to see diverse families with LGBTQ+ characters. They gave me a sense of belonging.
Still, growing up in a small conservative town, my coming out process was difficult and lengthy. I stumbled on my first It Gets Better video on YouTube and soon became obsessed with their messages of hope and healing. I started an internship with the It Gets Better Project in the summer of 2015, and have been advocating for human rights ever since. It’s been empowering to share the stories they have curated over the past nine years.
Inspired by the Project’s impact, I decided to start my own LGBTQ+ group in my hometown. I have received nothing but support from my community and have gotten to witness the growth of young people like myself in accepting and celebrating themselves. This year, my club and the impact the It Gets Better Project had on me was even featured on NBC’s Today show for National Coming Out Day.

Let’s ring in 2020 right and support a new decade filled with acceptance, love and pride!
McKenna Palmer