Your support will get Ilhan across the finish line.

Ilhan for Congress

Tonight's FEC deadline marks the last time we'll file our fundraising report and make our numbers public before Election Day.

That means it's our last chance to show everyone that a progressive movement like ours has the momentum to re-elect Ilhan, deliver wins up and down the ballot, and build on our progress.

We know that our shared progressive priorities like student debt cancellation, protecting abortion rights, and Medicare for All are popular — and Ilhan is the leader we need to keep fighting to make bold policies a reality in Congress.

But if we report weak numbers, Ilhan’s opponent and Republican mega-donors will point to our fundraising and our narrower-than-expected primary win as a sign that our movement and what we stand for is losing momentum. Ultra-conservative donors may even see it as an opportunity to pour in millions more to try to unseat her and silence our movement.

But we can counter right-wing attacks and turn out voters like never before if we raise $25,000 before midnight tonight. Can you pitch in any amount ahead of our last FEC deadline to boost our fundraising and power our organizing work?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our team is knocking on 15,000 doors, calling voters, and organizing huge get-out-the-vote events in this final stretch. Let's out-organize Republicans and deliver huge wins on November 8th.

Thank you,

Team Ilhan