Our ability to defeat Ron Johnson depends on what we raise before tonight's FEC deadline.
Hi John -
I'm reaching out again before our last FEC fundraising deadline of the election ends tonight at midnight.
Look, I know we ask often. And that is because running a successful Senate campaign in a state as competitive as Wisconsin requires a significant amount of resources.
A large number of donations to our campaign come in response to emails like this one. And our ability to defeat Ron Johnson depends on what we raise before tonight's FEC deadline. So before it's too late, I am asking:
Can I count on you to please make a $27 contribution to my campaign before tonight's FEC deadline? We can defeat Ron Johnson and expand the Senate majority – but only if we're in this together.
We've been heavily outspent by Republicans in Wisconsin as they've launched relentless attack ads against me. Your contribution will help our campaign take them on and win.
Thank you for all you've done – and will do – to help flip Wisconsin's Senate seat.