We launched our campaign a year ago today, and now we’re facing our biggest fundraising deadline on our anniversary.
John, I couldn’t be prouder to say that a year ago today, I announced my bid to run for Congress to the world.

Since then, we’ve spoken face-to-face with thousands of voters and called thousands more on top of that. We fought off millions of dollars in corporate super PAC money and won the Democratic primary. We’ve opened two offices and brought on dozens of volunteers and staff who believe in this movement. And it’s all because of you, John.
Now, a year later, we’ve come full circle and are facing our biggest fundraising deadline yet and another $3 million in Republican TV ads attacking us. Not only is tonight at midnight the last time we'll publicly report our fundraising numbers before Election Day, but it’s our final opportunity to bridge the fundraising gap to put us on TV.
That's why I’m asking: John, will you chip in $5 or more to help hit our $8,000 fundraising goal so we can combat Republican misinformation on TV and win our primary election in 20 days? We only need to raise $2,154 before midnight.
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FEC deadlines are important because they publicly show how much our campaign has raised, and in campaign-world, that is how people determine the strength of your campaign and chance of success. It also means our opponent and his backers will know exactly how much they need to outspend us in this last stretch before Election Day.
But we know better, John.
We know our people-powered movement has a collective wisdom, strength, and determination our extremist opponent could never have. I trust in the people who I represent the way they trust in me. So I’m asking hours before our deadline: Will you be one of the few dozen folks we need to help us close the $2,154 gap and meet our $8,000 fundraising goal?
For reproductive freedom, for economic justice and union jobs, for gun safety, for Social Security and Medicare, for clean air and water, and for a Democratic majority in Congress.
In power with you all,
Summer Lee