We wanted to make sure you saw this important message from our team.
If you've ever considered donating to Voto Latino, we're asking you to do it right now. With just weeks until Election Day, we're relying on grassroots donors like you to ensure that we can win big in battleground states across the country. Without you, we may not be able to reach all of our goals.
So please, John, chip in today – your support makes our voter registration and mobilization efforts possible.>> [link removed]
Chip in to Voto Latino>> [link removed]
Thank you,
Kenny Sandoval
Hey John,
As Election Day gets closer and closer, we know that every organization, campaign, and candidate is vying for your attention and donation. The onslaught of new polling, breaking news, spam emails, and endless ads has become overwhelming.
It’s hard to cut through the noise and determine where exactly your dollar will have the most impact this election. That’s exactly why we’re coming to you today to give you an honest, straightforward breakdown of our most important races.
[Voto Latino backed candidates graphic]
DONATE NOW >>> [link removed]
Right now, we’re focused on races that will be extremely close and the candidates that need your financial support the most. Your donation will be used to help us register and mobilize Latino voters in these key states or districts, and will directly impact the outcome of these incredibly competitive races.
So here’s what’s happening in our target races:
Democrat Katie Hobbs is facing Republican Kari Lake in the race for the governorship. Lake is a die-hard Trump loyalist who is a leading voice behind 2020 election fraud claims!
Senator Mark Kelly is facing reelection against Trump’s hand-picked candidate, Blake Masters, who has been hailed by Tucker Carlson as the "GOP’s future". Masters is a far-right extremist with close, direct ties to anti-democracy theorist Peter Thiel.
Donate to elect Democrats in Arizona >>>[link removed]
Democrat Steve Sisolak is defending the governorship against MAGA candidate Joe Lombardo. Lombardo’s campaign is bankrolled by a billionaire who’s spent decades evicting hard-working families!
Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto, the first Latina elected to the U.S. Senate, is facing Donald Trump’s hand-picked candidate Adam Laxalt! This race is one of the closest in the entire country.
Donate to elect Democrats in Nevada >>> [link removed]
Democrat Stacey Abrams is going head to head with one of the worst GOP governors in the entire country – Brian Kemp. This race could be won by just thousands of votes, and we have a real opportunity to flip the Georgia governor seat blue!
Senator Raphael Warnock is facing far-right candidate Herschel Walker to defend his Senate seat. Polling shows Warnock just 1 point behind his GOP opponent, but GOP donors are pouring over $20 MILLION into Walker’s campaign!
Donate to elect Democrats in Georgia >>> [link removed]
In the governor's race, Democrat Josh Shapiro is facing Doug Mastriano – a MAGA candidate who participated in the January 6th insurrection and threatens to “disrupt” Pennsylvania elections!
John Fetterman faces Dr. Oz – a GOP-backed multi-millionaire who isn’t even from Pennsylvania!
Donate to elect Democrats in Pennsylvania >>> [link removed]
And folks, to top it all off there are DOZENS of U.S. House candidates in these states who believe Trump won in 2020 and have spread falsehoods about the election.
In these extremely competitive races, funding at this point in the cycle could make or break a candidate’s chances of winning!
While every dollar counts until the very end, if there was ever a time to donate and make a maximum impact, it’s right now. Whether you give $5, $50, or $500 today, you’re making a huge impact in critical races, so please, chip in today if you’re able. >>> [link removed]
Thank you for supporting these important campaigns,
– Voto Latino HQ
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Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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