Donate to protect Senate control

You have likely heard about some of the GOP’s most extreme and unprepared Senate candidates in this election:

  • Herschel Walker – handpicked by Donald Trump to flip Georgia red
  • Mehmet Oz – handpicked by Donald Trump to keep Pennsylvania red
  • Blake Masters – handpicked by Donald Trump to flip Arizona red

And just as extreme and out of the mainstream on every issue:

  • My Republican opponent, handpicked by Donald Trump to flip Connecticut red and take back the Senate for the GOP

Trump and the GOP’s slate of Senate candidates includes election deniers, national abortion ban supporters, devotees to the gun lobby, and above all else, absolute loyalists to Trump. These are the people who could serve in the world’s greatest deliberative body – in the controlling party – if we don’t stop them.

My opponent is doing whatever she can to defeat me so she can serve as a rubber stamp for Trump and McConnell in the Senate: She’s called in RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Senate GOP campaign head Sen. Rick Scott to fundraise for her. Just yesterday, she was at Mar-a-Lago fundraising personally with the disgraced former President. And on Connecticut televisions right now? Nasty, misleading ads from a right-wing super PAC attacking me.

I refuse to give an extremist party beholden to Donald Trump a cakewalk to Senate control, but right now, I’m still $1,279 short of the resources I need to fight back and protect this seat. So please, join me in stopping the right wing from flipping the Senate red: Donate $5 or whatever you can spare so I can protect this seat and help keep control of the Senate in Democratic hands.

Thank you,


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