With reproductive freedom and so much more now on the line, we can’t afford to look weak.
Alexandria doesn’t spend her time on the phone calling corporate donors or hosting expensive fundraising dinners. Instead, her time and energy is dedicated to serving her community and working people across the country – as it should be.

But not all politicians or candidates feel the same. In fact, some — like Alexandria’s MAGA opponent — spend their time schmoozing with wealthy donors at fundraising dinners.
While we need Alexandria out in the world organizing with workers and communities, we also need the resources to meet our budget. When our movement pitches in through online donations – $5 or $10 at a time through emails like these, it allows Alexandria to stay focused on fighting for bold legislation, organizing our communities, and standing up against powerful special interests.
But to be frank, in order to ensure we have the resources to fight back against our opponent’s MAGA donors, we need to pick up the pace on our fundraising. If at least one in three people reading this email chips in, we’ll be on track to hit our October fundraising targets ahead of the election in just 20 days — but we know not everyone is in the place to give today and we completely understand.
If you’re able to, can you contribute $5 to power our voter outreach efforts across the district in these last 20 days before the midterm election? Your donation will help guarantee that Alexandria has the resources to stay focused on the work that matters and win in November.
Contribute $5
From hosting congressional town halls, to joining community events in The Bronx, to meeting with Starbucks workers in Astoria – we need Alexandria on the streets and we need her voice in Congress.
Our campaign is only possible because of the support and dedication from individuals like you – so thank you for all that you do today and everyday.
Thank you,
Team AOC