Thank you and best wishes to Cat Carter and Zack Deutsch-Gross as they move on to other endeavors! 

We are sad to say goodbye to Cat Carter and Zack Deutsch-Gross, both of whom are moving on to great opportunities.

While at SFTR, both Cat and Zack skillfully navigated through multiple responsibilities and amidst varied stakeholder concerns with passion and warmth.   

Cat worked with San Francisco Transit Riders in a variety of roles: as event organizer, Membership Manager, Communications Manager, and Interim Executive Director. We are so grateful for her guidance, expertise, and support over the years. SFTR would not be where we are today without her!  

Zack led SFTR’s political advocacy and grassroots community partnerships, in addition to managing the community organizing team, a role which allowed him to grow our community and focus SFTR on rider needs.

We know Cat and Zack will continue to help and support San Francisco's riders! Thank you to you both, and best of luck!


SFTR is hiring! Learn more and apply today to join our team of passionate transit enthusiasts! 

Are you passionate about equitable transportation in San Francisco? Do you want to work with an organization that values creativity, collaboration, and inclusion?

Oh and did we mention a 4 day hybrid work week!

San Francisco Transit Riders is hiring for 2 exciting opportunities to move this mission forward. Have a look, share your interest or share with your network!

Community Organizer

San Francisco Transit Riders is seeking an energetic and passionate community organizer to help expand transit reliability improvements across San Francisco. If you’re someone who loves public transit, this is your chance to raise the voice of transit riders to win robust improvements for all San Franciscans. 


Policy Director/Policy Manager

The Policy Director will report to the Executive Director and will focus on the policy and advocacy efforts for SFTR, coordinate and lead staff efforts on membership and support the organization’s fundraising efforts. In that regard, the Policy Director will cultivate and maintain relationships with policy makers, elected officials, issue-based advocates, labor and community-based organizations to inform and engage on transit advocacy opportunities. 


Welcome Dayra Banales and Cyrus Hall!

While we are looking for candidates in these permanent positions we are excited to have Dayra Banales join SFTR as Interim Outreach Associate and SFTR’s long time member Cyrus Hall as Interim Local Partnerships Consultant. 

Dayra has worked with SFTR on community surveying in the Bay View and coordinating Transit Hubs during Transit Month. She brings a genuine perspective to the her work as an avid public transit rider herself and her past work has revolved around equity based learning and community outreach.

Before joining SFTR, Cyrus participated in a number of SFTR working groups and projects as a volunteer, with a focus on finding new funding sources for SFMTA. He is excited to work with SFTR to lift up the voices of riders as we work toward a transit-first city that enables all residents the freedom and access to live fulfilled lives.

John- Become a member today! Your membership provides access to member benefits, special access to events, opportunities to inform our priorities, and to help us lead the fight for Muni funding!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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