December conference registration opens; upcoming En-ROADS event; volunteer with Environmental Voter Project

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Weekly Briefing, Oct. 19, 2022
Table of Contents:
Earth Day: Election Edition events
Take action this week
FL. op-ed warns of climate disasters
Upcoming trainings
Earth Day: Election Edition events are taking place this weekend


After months of preparation, the time has finally come — our Earth Day: Election Edition events are taking place this weekend on Oct. 22.

This planet is so great that it needs two days, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by drawing attention to the importance of our planet in the last three weeks before the midterm elections. 

CCL chapters across the country have lots of great things planned. CCLers in Gilbert, Arizona, will be tabling to share information about the Inflation Reduction Act. CCL Silicon Valley will be registering people to vote in the park around Lake Elizabeth. CCL Chicago will be hosting an election-themed tabling event in their local farmer’s market. 

Check out the virtual and in-person events this Saturday, jump in, and make climate an election issue!



In other news this week:

     •     December conference registration opens: Registration for CCL’s December conference is now open. This year’s conference following the 2022 midterms will be bigger and better than before. The conference will take place Dec. 3-4 and will be virtual. You can register for that conference here

     •     En-ROADS climate workshop: Climate Interactive is holding an En-ROADS event about the importance of different climate solutions, including the Inflation Reduction Act, on Oct. 20. You can find details about that event here. 

     •     Talanoa dialogue for women climate stakeholders: On Sept. 27, Cathy Orlando with Citizens’ Climate International hosted a Talanoa Dialogue for women from around the world. The discussion was a confidential sharing of insights, values, experiences, and perspectives. Some women agreed to share their voices. Watch their stories here.

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Like and share this meme from CCL

It’s true — you have a lot more influence than you think. Your hard work with CCL created an environment where Congress knew the time had come to take action on climate. Like and share this meme from CCL, and give yourself a pat on the back.

If you have more time: Volunteer with Environmental Voter Project

With the midterms just three weeks out, Environmental Voter Project is in the middle of holding phone banking events to turn out climate voters. Check out their list of phone banking sessions coming up so that you can do your part to make climate an election issue!

Find your CCL chapter | Check out our Action Teams | Browse upcoming events
Jacksonville volunteers write op-ed about Ian

CCL volunteers recently had an op-ed published in The Florida Times-Union about the importance of addressing climate change to avoid future hurricanes like Ian.

Joyce Tuten, a member of the Jacksonville chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, and Dr. Adam Rosenblatt, who is the Jacksonville chapter leader and an assistant professor at the University of North Florida, wrote the op-ed in early October about the possibility of future climate disasters.

“Hurricane Ian serves as yet another life-threatening, emergency call to action. We can rebuild roads and put our homes up on stilts, but the only permanent solution is to cut back on our use of fossil fuels and do it as fast as we can,” the duo wrote. “We need more legislation that will reduce our use of fossil fuels even further…We must succeed at this task; if not, when the next hurricane comes around our luck may run out.” 

Upcoming trainings

10/20: How to Tour Your State or Region: This training explores how other CCL volunteers have helped build new chapters in their state and region to expand CCL’s presence. Join us!

10/27: Empowering Each Other in Our Climate Advocacy: This training will help you learn how to talk to support others who may be feeling anxious about their climate journey. Join us! 

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

10/25: 7 Steps for Media Actions: This training will focus on how to use CCL's media resources to advocate for climate action in local media. Join us! 

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.


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