Vote for health care and more
Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care

The midterm elections are coming up, friend. Take a moment to check your voter registration and find your local polling place here! Testing link here

Voting is key to maintaining a healthy democracy – and a healthy community. The leaders we elect make policy decisions that can directly impact your health and the health of those around you. Everything from Medicare funding to federal aid for rural hospitals is decided by lawmakers. 

In fact, as soon as December, Medicare could face another substantial funding cut. We’ll need champions like you to keep speaking out against these cuts — and we’ll also need good partners in Congress who will work to prioritize patient health and ensure the longevity of programs like Medicare. 

If you’re eligible to vote, make your voice heard at the ballot box and help influence decisions on the issues that matter most to you. Click here to check your voter registration status and find your polling location. The more of us who participate in elections, the better represented the health of our communities will be.

Image of a woman in a voting booth with the caption "Make your voice heard". Click here to check voter resources.

As voters, we have the power to elect leaders who will prioritize the health and wellbeing of our families and communities. Let’s make a difference by showing up to the polls on November 8th (or sooner, if your state allows early voting!).

Thank you,

The Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care | Unsubscribe

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P.O. Box 30211, Bethesda, MD 20824-0211