During this week’s Chinese Communist Party congress, President Xi Jinping, a ruthlessly ambitious dictator who intends America ill and plans to seize Taiwan, is set to ascend to a third five-year term. Meanwhile, Russia continues waging open war on Ukraine and, despite the atrocities being perpetrated against women by the Iranian government, the Biden administration has not abandoned its efforts to restore the Iran Nuclear Deal, a fatally flawed paper deal that did nothing to seek genuine remedies to Iran’s threats.

For almost two years now, this administration, with its America last policies and increasingly garbled pronouncements, has been peddling a collectivist kumbaya approach to world affairs. The world’s problems cannot be fixed by global diplomacy, or more sanctions (which have their limits, and do not win wars), or fixation on the climate half a century from now. To preserve freedom and democracy, our president must stop negotiating with America’s most dangerous adversaries and prioritize rebuilding a U.S. military focused on deterring and winning wars.



#MeToo Is Hurting Women

One area where #MeToo’s advocacy efforts have been most far-reaching is sexual harassment in the workplace. For the first time since women joined the workforce, the personal hurdles of sharing office space with men are now widely and openly discussed — from media and politicians to CEOs. However, instead of the anticipated empowerment, #MeToo has brought fear to the workplace, to the detriment of the very group it sought to help: women. Learn more.
Media Spotlight

The Randy Tobler Show | Annual Awards Gala Recap, Corporate Wokeism, and the Rewrite of Labor Laws Listen

Your World with Neil Cavuto | Kelsey Bolar: “We’re Making Inflation Worse” Watch

Kennedy | Pumping Out the Part Line, White House and Media Redefining Recession Watch

Washington Examiner | When Doctors Can’t Tell Children Their Sex Read


Pennsylvania Young Adult Smoking Rates at Epic Lows, While Youth Cigarette and Vape Use Decline

Welcoming news is coming out from the Keystone State as youth tobacco and vapor product use continues to decline and young adult smoking rates reach the lowest levels recorded. Similar to national and state surveys, youth vaping seems to have peaked in 2019 and has declined since then. According to PAYS, in 2021, 6% of middle schoolers and 20% of high schoolers reported past-month e-cigarette use. Read more.

Catch Taxpayers Protection Alliance’s Consumer Center Director Lindsey Stroud on the latest episode of The Bespoke Parenting Podcast correcting the record on youth vaping and how alarmism distracts parents from the real problems facing teens and young adults today. 


Announcing Identity Crisis Film Tour

The number of transgender-identifying youth has exploded in the last decade, leaving parents, educators, medical professionals, and politicians at odds over what policies will best protect the long-term health and well-being of children. As a one-sided echo chamber pushes an “affirmation-only” model, a growing share of the public feels silenced. The Identity Crisis Film Tour seeks to change that by offering perspectives from individuals who’ve experienced the harms of the gender ideology movement first-hand. 

Are we coming to a city near you? 



Two Truths and a Lie: #MeToo

#MeToo, a movement to combat sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace, has been celebrated as a watershed moment for women.

Can you identify which of the three following statements is not true about the #MeToo movement?

A. MeToo triggered a backlash against women in the workplace.
B. The movement has been co-opted by the Left to promote a victimization narrative and liberal agenda.
C. MeToo condemned bad individual actions but was careful not to paint all men as potential predators.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Meghan McCain, public figure and daughter of the late John McCain, joins the program to discuss her decision to leave "The View", freedom in America, and the the never-ending COVID emergency and border and crime crises. Listen now.
Available on your favorite podcast apps: 
  • Next Episode: Coming up, Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life and research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, joins the podcast to discuss friendship and the new epidemic in America — loneliness. Tune in this Friday.


Proposed DOL Rule Would Stifle Worker Freedom

The Department of Labor announced proposed rule changes to make it harder for American workers to operate as independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The DOL claims workers are grossly misclassified by employers and should therefore be reclassified as employees. Hardworking Americans are increasingly trending freelance — 36% of the workforce or 59 million workers. This isn’t the first time this administration has resorted to erasing freelancers' and independent workers' livelihoods via regulatory fiat. 


Kelsey Bolar – On Identity Crisis and How Institutions Are Going to War With Parents

"Conservatives are often branded as fear mongers. If we talk about the slippery slope, well, if you start manipulating the terms, changing the definitions of women, of harm, this is where it will lead. Sadly, this is the natural conclusion. If all these institutions, the courts, our governments, from local governments all the way up to the federal government, are willing to change these basic definitions of what harm means and what biological sex means, of course a mother is going to easily be separated from the daughter she loves."

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