Unleash the Voting Power of Poor and Low Income People

Dear John,


This year's elections will be crucial for poor and low-income people. You can make a difference in the outcome by joining a Poor People's Campaign text bank. We're reaching out to poor and low wealth voters in swing states across the country. More details below.


Upcoming action opportunities.

  • Sign up for a text bank any day between now and the election. (Just choose the day of the week and time you are interested in.)
  • Learn more about housing justice tonight.
  • Join us at our next meeting on November 22.

With living wages, healthcare, voting rights and other issues critical to poor and low-wealth people on the ballot, this year’s elections are more crucial than ever. If we ever needed to vote for democracy & justice, we sure do need to vote now!


Instead of holding an October meeting, we're encouraging everyone to spend an hour or two on a text bank between now and Nov 8th.


We invite you and your friends, family, members of your faith community or organization to join us at one of our upcoming virtual text banking gatherings. No previous experience necessary– all virtual gatherings will begin with a textbank training led by a PPC Textbank Administrator.  

Other Upcoming Events


Housing Justice movie screening TONIGHT Join American Property Owners Network at 6:00 PM tonight (Wednesday Oct 19th ) for this online event: Housing Justice Movie Night: Patrick Lovell Shares the Facts. Investigative journalist Patrick Lovell will screen part 1 of his docuseries and lead a discussion. More information here.  Or here, if you're not on facebook.


DC  PPC November meeting. Please mark your calendars now for our virtual November meeting at 6:30PM on Tuesday Nov 22.  Details and sign up to come.


Forward Together! Not One Step Back!.


Liz McNichol

DC Poor People's Campaign Coordinating Committee

[email protected]